Oh my god!! Funnily enough, my mum has offered to pay for me to have an eyelid lift on my right eye, cause its a bit lazy and it makes me very self concious.
Sorry its of no help but I am interestd myself to see peoples answers.
Hey Goody,hows the asthma,i had a dream about you going to the docs.He said it was caused by you putting you face under a hot air drier.Honestly.
Sorry to invade your post bubbles.
lol......thats very weird. Hau kola, you must have read my contribution to the muse gig thread where I was utterly impressed with the strength of the blow dryers at wembley stadium. I did indeed put my face uner it. Maybe I should mention that when i go see the doc on thurs.
Sorry bubbles xx (when I see your name it makes me think of the yellow fish in finding nemo)
I haven't had it myself but a punter of mine has. As I am in the Beauty Industry, I had a good look and you just wouldn't know that any insision had been made. Her eyes looked dark and hooded, now they are open and bright. So she had a good experience and result.