Why is it that most who have appeared on this show this week have said they're too embarrassed to go to the doctor yet they're perfectly happy to show and tell the whole nation?
Also, why on earth would you 'put up' with something for 20+ years, i.e. last night there was a woman with a collapsed bowel and woman with bad incontinence?
No answer to the first question, I'm just as baffled as you there.
But as to why people would put off going to the doc...well! Embarassment? Not wanting to show their bits to someone else? Thinking they're somehow freaky? I guess a lot of people will agonise over it.
Little things, I can understand why someone wouldn't bother the doc. but the woman on the skin tag on her anus the other night? She's had it for a couple of years, it affected her relationships but rather than show her doc, she shows it to us instead! :o/
So how did they remove this tag and did they show it?
I turned on last night just at the point when a surgeon was plunging some object up a woman's backside, it was all far too graphic and she didn't even look bothered. Thank God for Anaesthetic.
Max, the difference is that despite the fact I would be embarrassed, I would STILL go to the doc about it. I'd take a skin tag over a smear any day, but I still (grudgingly) go for the smear.
I have PCOS too, Velvetee. Thankfully I don't suffer like that poor girl but I go get 1 hair on side of my neck that I pluck out as soon as I see it has broken through the skin. I was told the PCOS was the reason for it.
Of course, and so do I, because it is well known and talked about without shame. But do you see how, through what you said yourself, it shows a very - potentially deadly yet normal- aversion towards "those bits"? Why should you "hasten to add" it wasn't on your anus? That's my point hun.
I know it was. I'm not saying it isn't an embarrassing thing, of course it is (hense my hasten), I wouldn't let it get to the point where I didn't want to have sex LOL