This is a genuine question for those who think I may be joking.
For about the past 4 weeks I have had itchy nipples & sometimes itching of the whole of the breast(s). Sometimes I have an itchy scalp and the last week my stomach has started itching.
I have not been using any different chemical products such as washing powder, bath oils etc. (No, I haven't got headlice either..)
Any ideas. I am also sneezing a lot with an itchy runny nose - so obviously this is some sort of allergic reaction, but it is dumbfounding me as to what.
You should really get it checked out as it can be a symptom of breast cancer - don't want to scare you but better to be safe than sorry! Had to go to docs about this myself as mine were itching like mad for a good few weeks and that's one of the first things they did, check for lumps
Would not have thought though Susie that this applies to Salla as her scalp and stomach have been itching too. You are right though an itching nipple can indicate cancer (sometimes), but unlikely to be on both breasts.
Please also remember that scratching an itch makes it itch more because you irritate the skin. The doc told me to 'pat 'an itch rather than scratch it. Paracetamol works well for soothing itching (same nerves cause itching as cause pain).
I would try hard to stop the scratching - wear scratch mits like babies do!!!!
This is soooo wierd sallabananas....seriously Ive had itchy nipples all day today and I have no idea why......I got so fed up with getting up from my desk so no one could see me that im just going for it now, hand in bra, scratching away....its bad.
Right. So. Tomorrow I shall come in to work with scratch mittens and pat my breasts rather than scrat at them. I shall take regular Paracetamol which, along with the Beechams Flu-Plus, may make me rather dopey. Work will be most impressed.... !
Any new animals in the house Lottie? Only the boyfriend. But he is Welsh...
Ah, well that's the answer then. You should have said straight away that your boyfriend was Welsh...................................................... ;o)
sounds like hormones to me salla. i wore out a number of bras scratching itchy nipples during those wonderful perimenopausal years. and due to hair thinning at around the same terrific time of life i suffered from an itchy scalp too. of course, you could be far, far too young for what i'm suggesting and if you are i apologise. but if you're somewhere between 40 and 50 then i'd say it's your hormones.
Actually, I didn't like to suggest it, but I was thinking perimenopause because I ended up having three weeks off work with severe itching (which I scratched and ended up with a horrible skin infection all over). It was put down to perimenopause and suggested I go on HRT, but that's another story. I was 48 at the time!!!!