Owd - so very sad to hear you say that, I know nothing I or anyone can say will change matters, make sure you are taking all the pain relief you can....thinking of you ((HUG))
I am taking morphine sulphate every 12 hours which I was worried about making me feel woozy but it doesn't and has have helped the pain.
Are you still on chemo? That gave me terrible hiccups.
0h, im so sorry you feel so dreadful, would you consider attending your nearest A'E department, or even contacting the emergency services to take you to hospital, im sure some advice re pain control could be given. take care anne ♥
You really don't seem to get much consistency at times Owd do you!
I hope you get some relief soon hun...maybe time for some (gentle) foot stamping here.
Owd, my thoughts are with you. mic also suffers a great deal of pain. When the drugs don't help a large Bacardi does. It also helps him sleep. Love to you ♥
hi owdhammer.....it is maddening being in constant pain and having ineffective medicine thrown your way by a locum doctor. if you have had morphine for the pain and it has worked, why not contact your out of hours gp service to see if they can do anything. you must go back monday at least to sort this out. my thoughts and best wishes are a mere drop in the ocean as you feel so terrible, but i send them anyway and am here with all the other abers who care and do worry about you. (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) lisa x
My thoughts and prayers are with you too Owd, it must be awful for you, please keep talking to us on here and do ask for a different pain relief, you surely shouldn't be in pain like that. <hugs> xx