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Purple_Popple | 20:09 Fri 15th Nov 2013 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
Been dating a guy for over a month now - well was. Trouble is his breath was foul, no joke, it was toxic. After a night in with film and wine he tried to get close and kiss me but I just couldnt do it..i made an excuse that i felt my breath wasnt fresh and i was conscious of it (as a big hint about his breath), but the penny didnt drop. A couple more dates and I just had to break it to him as gently as i could, that i was really attracted to him and wanted to kiss him so much but....and after that Ive heard nothing..asked him if all was ok and if Id upset him, all i got back was he was busy at work and he wasnt ignoring me...4 days later and still nothing...


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obviously he is upset, don't imagine he will be in touch, don't think you could have done anything else.sorry
Horrid thing to have to do, it's obviously dented his confidence, but what else could you do?!
Question Author
I really liked him, but it does look as though i wont be seeing him again. :(
Perhaps he's doing something about it?
It could be anything, including bad teeth.....
... and 4 days isn't long in the scheme of things - wait a bit longer and see what happens. Don't chase.
You could have bought him a pack of extra strong mints, PP.
I don't think there was anything else you could do but tell him, PP.

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Thanks all, I won't chase him, no point.
Whatever the cause is it is not pleasant to be around.

You might have sung to him:

Good on you for telling him, I think you have done him a massive favour. I'm sure he is embarrassed at the moment, but hopefully he will now do something about it.

It's a massive turn-off so I understand. It's one of those things that are very hard to deal with if you're told you have bad breath. I know some previous girlfriend had said that to my ex and he then spent his whole life chewing gum!
You did the right thing, although not easy for either of you. He probably is embarrassed, so I'm not sure he'll contact you. You really didn't have much choice though.
No....I just couldn't tell him.
Lousy foul, toxic breath and he got 3 dates with you?
I wouldn't tell him,I would just have ditched him.
How could you fancy him?

Only happened to me once and that was someone else's wife, so not my problem and I just told her that a second date was out of the question as I had suddenly fallen in love with my wife.
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Well Squad he did seem very nice, pleasant, funny and we had a good time together, apart from the toxic breath...I kept seeing him as I did like him, and thought the breath was a glitch and it would get better (several causes for foul breath - not eating, dehydration etc) do I just gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoping it would get better...alas it didnt...had to tell him, he probably didnt know and it may help him with future dates - bleh!
thing is PP. you have probably done him a big favour, but you may not get the benefit!!!!!!!!!!! although maybe he will contact you.
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I know I sadly won't get the benefit anna, thank you for your reply...such a shame really. :(
it is probably his tongue - many people dont brush their tongue and often have thick yellowy white stuff all over it - and this stuff stinks.

i had to tell an ex to clean his tongue and although he seems a bit embarrassed he started to brush it and it was fine then.

maybe he doesnt know what else to do about it other than clean his teeth and gargle - but if the stuff is still there that wont last - maybe message him and tell him that its not an issue for you and that you have to brush your own tongue too - so your sort of giving him the idea to try it without actually telling him to...
On the subject - if you want a quick breath check - the following is foolproof -

stretch out your tongue as far as you can and lick the inside of your forearm - assuming you haven't put any scent there, if so, use the back of your forearm.

Let the saliva dry, and then sniff the area - hey presto, what ever you can smell is what your breath currently smells like.

If it's odour free - result, if it smells like the Ninth Circle Of Hell, you can address the issue before inflciting it on others.

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