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Jj / Emmie, & Whoever Else Had Jab Yesterday Or Today.....

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Smowball | 17:52 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
111 Answers
How are we all feeling?? I don’t feel fluey - yet, but am feeling incredibly tired, and my arm is a bit sore. Hopefully that will be all and won’t feel any worse later on x


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All I can say is that the suspense is killing me.
I would love a chance to have a side effect.
Hopkirk you will have to ask if you can take the place of Nailit in the queue
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Hopkirk, my best friend and her husband have literally had it in the last hour. They were on a stand by list(insider knowledge according to her) as apparently at the end of the day if there are any vaccines left they ring people on this list asking if they want it now then to come over. They do this because each vial contains 10 or 11 doses and once last appointment has been seen if there are any doses left they would have to throw them away. Maybe worth asking your surgery about this??
Smow, don't worry , there's always those that'll pee on your cornflakes :0)
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Very true bobbi lol
Our surgery's website is quite clear we are not to contact them to enquire about vaccination, we must wait until contracted.
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Ohhhh that’s a shame x
I'll just wait my turn.

What's annoying is to hear that family members who live in London are getting called way ahead of our area's timescale.
OH is seeing GP tomorrow because the rash that came up over the whole of his upper body after his Pfizer jab in December is now so much worse, despite all nurse-recommended ointments, that he can't wear a vest and winces if I try to cuddle him. Just telling the truth as it is affecting us. I am due immunisation on Friday and have refused the Pfizer so will risk the fluey effects of the Oxford astra-zeneca and think myself lucky.
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Oh no jourdain - that sounds awful x
I’m getting mine tomorrow. :))
Hopkirk I think that they may have not changed the website but if you are over 70 then yesterday's announcement overrules that.
Jourdain, can you choose which vaccine you want ?
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I didn’t think you could
We all had the Aztec or whatever it's called
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Yep I had the AstraZeneca - didn’t get offered a choice.
That’s good chrissa x
My brother in law is 64 without medical concerns, and has been called in London.
I do wonder if those who report anything other than a mildly stiff/sore arm are serial hypochondriacs.
Diddlydo I'm certainly not any sort of hypochondriac! I had the AstraZenica jab and the side effects kicked in about 12 hours later.

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