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Jj / Emmie, & Whoever Else Had Jab Yesterday Or Today.....

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Smowball | 17:52 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
111 Answers
How are we all feeling?? I don’t feel fluey - yet, but am feeling incredibly tired, and my arm is a bit sore. Hopefully that will be all and won’t feel any worse later on x


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That's the one I had, Smow, Astro. All five of us at the same time, no side effects with any of us. One in particular is very frail with health complications and all is well.
I’d be interested if jourdain returned to this thread .
Sister was given a little card like the size of credit card with her details = when she attended last week, what she got - she knows she got the Astro thing - has now lost the wee card and has searched high and low in her house and she can't find it. I got the same wee card this afternoon but I'm with a different surgery of course.

She's panicking about the card so she called to the doctor today and the receptionist has told her she is in heap of trouble cos all of her information about the injection was on the card. Is that true cos right enough Bernie my nurse just wrote on my wee card too and nothing else. I've told her (sister) things like that would be on medical files. any enlightenment thanks.
I didn't have sore arm at all I had mild flu like symptoms for couple of days starting 2 days after the jab. I had the Astra Arnica andci am not a hyperchondriac. I have a lot of medical problems and am disabled. Far from being a hypochondriac!
Tis a lottery to be sure. Nothing for me as not seventy until June. Though I’m diabetic and have had a nasty cough for over a year. Chap I know panicked about getting the virus, had his vaccine today. Now panicking about the reaction.
You can't choose which one you have, but you have to have the AstraZeneca one if you have allergies. My neighbour went and it was the Pfizer jab but when she said she had allergies, they wouldn't give it to her. My GP is very on the ball, and when she saw I had an appointment, she knew it would be the pfizer one so she cancelled it and made me another one for when she knew it would be the AstraZeneca one.
I read somewhere that the AstraZenica has caused more reactions, but nobody I know has had serious reactions and there is no need to panic.
I'll add to this post rather than start a new one , don't wanna aggravate the natives :0)))
Well I did have a reaction in the night , I woke up shivering with a high temperature and a banging headache , and a insatiable thirst as if I was dehydrated, woke up Mr B who got me a couple of paracetamol and a glass of iced water, I drank 3 glasses of it straight off , after a half an hour I fell back to sleep, this morning I have a dull headache that's all
glad you feel a bit better :)
re chosing you can't per se but there are many ways that it can be influenced.
glad you are feeling a bit better bobbi, i know what you mean, though i didn't have the headache bit. But did have terrible shaking, i nearly called 111 for advice, but went to bed instead, woke up with sore, stiff arm, which has only just now subsided.
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Bobbi - I had exactly the same thirst thing last night - my mouth was so dehydrated I could barely move my tongue, it was so dry. Glad you feel a bit better x
Thanks , I feel a bit drained this morning but to me it's a price worth paying to have had the vaccine
possibility of having not just a second but a third, lets hope they damn well work...
I can't help but wonder if those of us who have had a reaction will get the same thing again when we have the second jab or will our bodies accept it more easily.
i hope not, scared the hell out of me.
i mean i hope i don't get the same reaction as the first...
I'll take it ( and the reaction) with knobs on
Me too emmie, it's scary when you live alone!
I think people mostly only comment when they have a reaction, so it seems lots of people have after effects, when in reality it quite a low number.

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