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Jj / Emmie, & Whoever Else Had Jab Yesterday Or Today.....

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Smowball | 17:52 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
111 Answers
How are we all feeling?? I don’t feel fluey - yet, but am feeling incredibly tired, and my arm is a bit sore. Hopefully that will be all and won’t feel any worse later on x


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possibly, having reread the leaflet it gives the possible side effects, and mine along with others on ab are there...
Yes, I read it so I wasn't scared but as Pooka says, it's a whole different ball game when you are on your own
it is, i didn't honestly know what to do, three hours of this horrid shaking - i didn't really want to bother 111 but i think if it had continued i might have done, just for advice.
we weren't given the leaflet till after the vaccination, just asked if one had any allergies, yes to penicillin, and if taking warfarin, no to that.
Am I making too bold a statement by saying that it appears to be mainly females who suffer the ‘terrible’ side effects of these vaccines? Just a genuine question as I’ve not heard any such like from males
Sticky......right on the money,it seems to be a female phenomenon i don't know why.
no idea why either...
Errr could it be we are built differently?
it does seem as though its been us ladies who have had side effects, strange that...
my bro in law had a slight reaction - fatigue.

I'm no immunologist but, as I understand it, the second one should be easier on you as the body has built the antibodies to cope, whereas the first one is in virgin territory - so therefore think of the second one as a top off.....
and a possible third being talked about.... dtc
fao Emmie - emmie when I said about teeth clattering onto the floor I certainly didn't mean yours - as you know I have had implants, crowns a lot of work done to my teeth in the last year or so and so I personally meant if I had have had the clattering it would have been my own teeth.

I know you were frightened of that side effect and I am apologising if I hurt you in any way. But I did mean me.

JJ, you are such a lovely lady and I could not imagine you hurting anyone deliberately nor seeing Emmie take offence, I thought it was very funny :0)
thanks Bobbs - but emmie is coming across very very down and I wouldn't have liked me to have made her worse. (bad grammar there)
I'm sure Emmie doesn't take any offence JJ
@ Sqad gotta love a drama
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My top left arm has become incredibly painful in the last couple of hours - I can barely touch it, but nothing to actually see.
I haven’t got a sore arm at all but about an hour ago, I had to turn the heating down, as I was feeling hot.

I’m not so hot now but I can feel my legs “glowing.” It’s quite a pleasant feeling.

Shows it’s doing it’s stuff.
I’m having the Oxford vaccine this Thursday at 2pm. I shall update any side effects if experienced. So will my wife, ditto.
I had the Pfizer this morning.

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