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Jj / Emmie, & Whoever Else Had Jab Yesterday Or Today.....

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Smowball | 17:52 Tue 09th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
111 Answers
How are we all feeling?? I don’t feel fluey - yet, but am feeling incredibly tired, and my arm is a bit sore. Hopefully that will be all and won’t feel any worse later on x


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Sorry for absence. I am usually too busy to come on here during the day. Had a busy day taking OH to GP etc. GP says he has definitely had an adverse reaction and I now have to lave him with various ointments (whole body) twice a day. It is all being logged and reported. This is, of course not particularly easy to organise, I'm still working it out. He also has antibiotics in case infections are spreading from spot area to spot area. It is really not nice. With hindsight, he would have waited for the Oxford Astra/Zeneca - but of course no-one knew.
^^^ Computer went wonky, sorry. Blood test next week. I repeat that this is all being officially recoded. I am not spreading misinformation or anything nasty - it is as it is happening to us and it is not much fun. At 87, OH should not have to put up with this - and it is not much fun for me - there is, of course, the anointing of almost the whole body !
anneasquith - of course I have returned; just a very difficult day and my time online is always limited. You seem to have a wonky opinion of me. I am just ordinary, with the usual checks, problems,, duties etc.. I go to bed about 10/10.30 p.m. and so I miss a lot.
I’m sorry J. I don’t have a wonky opinion of anyone , I don’t think my post was in any way offensive to you. Not am I aware of your daily schedule. I’m sorry your husband has had a reaction from the vaccine.
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I’m still burning up and sore arm, tired but don’t actually feel particularly ill if that makes sense.
jj, I think your friends clinic is being somewhat dramatic. I had the Astra Zenica this afternoon and received a card. The information on it is name and date of birth, name of vaccine, batch number and date given. It also gives the time and date of the next session, the clinic should have all that information.
Haven't had any side effects so far but it's a bit early yet. One thing I don't understand is the jab was in the right arm but had a temporary pain in the left where I had the flu jab. I guess I'm weird.
I decided after much deliberation (and I think even Sqad would approve) to have the vaccination. I came to the conclusion that if I had a very bad reaction and then died at least I hadn't passed it on to anyone else. If I didn't have the vaccination and caught covid I was likely to die but could unfairly pass it on. So I decided to go for it.
My reactions so far have been feeling cold, feeling very tired, being very thirsty and as though I have a cold. But this is much better than having covid.
My wife had the Pfizer vaccine early in January and I had the AZ/Oxford jab 2 1/2 weeks ago. Neither of us had a reaction to either jab, but according to the You Tube videos issued by Dr. John Campbell, the reactions you are having indicate that you already had some antigens in your body which are doing their job of trying to protect you from the 'dead' virus that has been introduced. These reactions should only last for about two days.

It is a good idea to download the 'zoe' Covid 19 app,and report your daily health, including details of your vaccinations and any reactions, to the researchers from Kings College Hospital.

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Same as LJ - I’ve been ridiculously thirsty, drinking gallons. Still hot and cold, but don’t feel as tired now but still have headache. On plus side I didn’t react like my MIL which is to come down with full flu symptoms.
Jourdain, Vulcan , twix, hope all is well xx
Sorry forgot to mention the headaches. They just come and go as well.
I'm champion now, a night and of day feeling crap is worth a lifetime of having my freedom back again
^^^^^^ What freedom Bobbs?
The freedom of going to the shops, going out for meals, generally socialising again Barsel
I thought we were still in lockdown?
this depends surely on who gets the vaccine, how long it takes for the many to get it. and who doesn't. i dont think this vaccine programme is going to be the be all and end all its meant to be. there is still the second and possibly a third vaccine to be had. that;s going to be months away.
we are barsel, and i don't see that being lifted any day soon.
We are haha, I mean eventually when the majority get vaccinated and restrictions are eventually lifted , we will again enjoy the freedom we once had
I guess my glass is half full on this , the more people that are vaccinated, the nearer we will get back to some normality
are we going to see the back end of this before the end of the year, i hope so, but the stats don't seem to be very clear..
Bobbs, I wish I had your enthusiasm and optimism. :-) x

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