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Has Anyone Had Their Second Vaccination

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emmie | 15:17 Fri 16th Apr 2021 | Body & Soul
73 Answers
of the Oxford Astra Zeneca - if so did you have any side effects?


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MWG14 that;s good...
Emmie I had my second AZ vaccine a week ago. I was very apprehensive because I had a bad reaction to the first one. The second one was fine though, I had no reaction at all.
I don't know if this is relevant, but although the AZ and J&J vaccines (unlike the two others we are likely to have or have had) inject you with a virus, it's not the coronavirus that causes Covid, so it is not necessarily the case that having antibodies from the first jab will reduce the likelihood of side effects the next time.
However maybe someone who knows more could confirm that.
Had mine this afternoon, will let you know! No reaction when I had the first one but my arm does feel a bit achy
I had a reaction to my first AZ vaccination. I had a slightly sore arm for a couple of hours with the second but no other reaction.
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i don't mind an achy arm, its the awful shaking and shivering i couldn't get to get to grips with.
I had that the first time too, it was horrible and I was dreading it happening again. I think you will be fine like I was second time.
I had my second one two weeks ago; I thought I'd had no side-effects but I've had a stiff neck for no good reason for the past couple of days and I'm not sure whether or not it's a delayed side-effect.
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i was ok when i saw a friend in the afternoon after the first vacination, it was only around 5pm it started.
I had a very bad reaction to the first one including uncontrollable shaking - the second pretty much knocked me off my feet for a day but no shaking. I’ve got a very sore arm which I didn’t have the first time. Apart from that I’m fine and think it well worth
short-term discomfort. No one ever mentioned alcohol to me.
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the no alcohol rule was in the news for a time.

////it's not the coronavirus that causes Covid, ////

You have lost me there.
I am not sure that the presence or absence of antibodies has anything to do with side effects. So it is pot luck with your second jab as to whether side effects will even be an issue.
Hi, Emmie. A UK friend read that alcohol should be avoided and she and her husband didn't drink for a week before and two weeks after vaccination.
He was miffed when I said we had looked into it and except for very heavy drinkers it was a myth.

I don't know if you've been given the advice regarding arm pain which I did have after the second.
We are now being told that immediately after the vaccination you should wave your arm around as if you're a windmill and continue to do so for a good while. This will help reduce possible pain.

This advice is said to come from an expert.....or perhaps someone with a daft sense of humour.... :-)

BHG....the pain and arm stiffness I experienced also affected my neck so yours could be down to the vaccine.
I’ve never heard of the no alcohol rule, emmie, until
you mentioned it.
Yes I had mine on the 1st of April, glad to say no side effects.

Good luck ~ keep safe ~ keep a distance.
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thanks gness..
Two friends had their first oaz vaccination a few weeks ago, he had no side effects but his wife felt, in her words, "a bit rough" for three days. They had their second on Wednesday and to date neither have had any reaction at all.
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i am more worried about these blood clots that you keep reading about with the Oxford AZ vaccination.
I had no reaction to the first one (az) but after the second one last Friday I hardly slept a wink on the Saturday night, and felt ‘odd’ on Monday but it might have been nothing to do with the jab.
I read about the no alcohol thing on here. Back in January I think.

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