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Very Sad News - Sqad

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Prudie | 22:20 Tue 02nd Jan 2024 | Body & Soul
174 Answers

It’s with a very heavy heart that I have to tell you that Mrs Sqad has asked me to let you know that Sqad passed away on New Year’s Day. He had been quite unwell recently as many of you realised so now at peace. He used to really enjoy this site and I know most people had engaged with him at some time or another. I met them both several times in Menorca and have remained very good friends ever since. Sincere condolences to Mrs Sqad at such a difficult time, she really is the loveliest lady and Sqad really was an amazing husband to her. RIP my lovely.  



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Oh Sqad, your ibruprofen and monitor used to make me laugh.

much love to Mrs Sqad I always thought you must be an angel !!

fly high Sqad 

Sad news, my sincere condolences to Mrs Sqad, family and friends. I know he helped a great number of people on here.

R.I.P. Sqad.

^From me.

Condolencenes to Mrs Sqad and family.

R I P squad, always talked sense on medical matters, I'll miss his posts.

Very sad to hear of Sqad's passing.  He was well liked and respected on this site.  My condolences to Mrs Sqad and family.

did not interact with sqad very much but reading the thread he was obviously important to lots of you... RIP

Such sad news to wake up to. My sincere condolences to Mrs Sqad and all the family.  May he rest in peace.  He was so helpful on here and put a lot of people's minds at rest so many times. 

Sad news but he did have a long and from what I've read, eventful life.

I will miss Sqad's replies showing a total lack of enthusiasm for certain type of threads and his willingness to show that lack of enthusiasm.

BTW he got 754 best answers, you know. 

RIP Sqad

I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news. R.I.P Sqad.

Can someone do what it is you do to keep this at the top please?

Condolences to all indeed.

My condolences to all the family.

He was an asset to the site. Straight talking - no nonsence. I always read his posts.

He will be missed.

Only the Eds can do that, Barsel.  A request has been sent.

Very sad to hear this - thanks for posting, Prudie, and my condelences to his family and friends and of the latter, to those ABers who had met him.

Off he goes to run the great lingerie shop in the firmament.

Thanks Naomi. 

So very sorry to hear this sad news.  Dear Sqad - he was a real treasure.  Huge condolences to Mrs Sqad and family.

Thank you Prudie for letting us know.



So sad to hear of Sqad's passing. He had helped me with a couple of questions.

RIP Sqad.

Awesome Xx 😀

Sad news about sqad, over the years think I only chatted to him once or twice... but good humoured banter.

oops wrong thread.

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