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Do You Remember?

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Hopkirk | 22:06 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

I was watching Call My Bluff on BBC 4 this evening when I got all nostalgic.


Do you suppose the kids today know that drinks used to be sold in cans with no ring pull?



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Probably not.  They seem to be amazed by the simplest of reasonably recent facts/artefacts.

Or that you needed a tin opener to get at the contents of cans of beer?

//...sold in cans with no ring pull?//

Seriously ?

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It was funny when someone brought a Watneys Party Four or Party Seven, but no one had a can opener. Hammers and screwdrivers are not wise in the hands of inebriated teenagers.

Punch two holes in the top of the can of beer 😀

"It was funny when someone brought a Watneys Party Four or Party Seven, but no one had a can opener."

Actually I was always relieved when that happened. The stuff inside was revolting and the best thing for it, apart from pouring it straight down the sink, was to make sure it didn't leave the can.

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It sometimes ended up on the ceiling 

Do you think these same kids would believe us if we told them that when we first started using home computers, some of us relied for help on a little animated paper clip called Clippy ??
They'd probably think we need putting in an old folks home.

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Do today's kids know what a log table is?

I remember being mesmerized by Ironside's phone in his car.  Looking back it must have been a radio of some sort.


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Public phones had A and B buttons, but you have to be 'if a certain age' to remember that.

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'of ......

One of the buttons, can't remember which, returned your four pennies, a bit like a fruit machine.

Button A connected you when call answered,  if no answer button B returned your money.

Anyone remember groats and chariots 😂😂😂

I do remember the local evening paper, The Telegraph, had a fleet of two wheeled horse-drawn carts to deliver the papers around the city.

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Kids would go into every phone box and press B. Occasionally coins came out.

More enterprising kids would bung up the chute then later on remove it to release the coins it held back. 😀

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You, Canary?

Not me, I was very honest in my younger days.

Going back to the telephones, making a long-distance call meant going through the operator who used to tell you how much to put in, then put you through when you had done so - try telling her (usually) you had done so when you hadn't didn't work - she always knew.

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