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Your Pics!

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nat_84 | 13:53 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
490 Answers
So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB?

If not, why wouldnt you?

If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?


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sshhhhh dont tell them.
besides its not an up to date pic :)
Question Author
cool i like that red.

I think we should post old/baby photos...
lovin the photo red, your gonna be in trouble methinks!

lol nat i'll post a baby photo when i get home x
Question Author
cool - i'll try and do the same!

Think we shoudl open a new thred - or just tag them along with this one (so its more secretive)?
no-one would ever recognise us from that pic. dont ya just lurve the 80s / 90s haircuts and clothes? I think it must be about 89/90
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im sure at the time... it fitted in perfectly ;0)
tag it onto this one!
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ok cool - i'll try and scan some in when i get home
right i'm off see ya later xx
Question Author
looking forward to the pics mccfluff!!

Probably catch u online tomorrow! x
bye mccfluff
lmao zorro!!
redcrx - and you thought I wouldnt spot that pic! lol
ok nat here you go uffui8.jpg

still got a problem with chunky thighs now lol
i think there is a mystery type thing behind the answer bank, but like someone said earlier people start to wonder what others look like!
i think there should be an image fest, maybe an anonymous one so people could try guess who is who!!
Cobra, are you in love with me the noo ?
im back from cutting the hedges. Has anyone else posted photos of themsleves then?
yes I did

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