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nat_84 | 13:53 Wed 09th Aug 2006 | Body & Soul
490 Answers
So who on here has actually revealed a pic of themselves to all those on AB?

If not, why wouldnt you?

If yes, what kind of reaction did u get?


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hi whiffey xXx
hello whiffey
that's it, thanks posy that's been bugging me for ages
hehehe!! xXx
Question Author
sorry had to rush off msn girls and guys - had so many bloody message creens popping up over my work computer was a bit worried about the boss coming over!!

Nice seeing all ur pics!!
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and ur sooo right about lightoftruth posy!

Glyn lookalike defo!
Well i don't watch BB myself, quite hate it actually. However just ventured onto the official sight to see about this "gylnn" charachter and personally i think i bear no resemblance whatsoever. Also bear no personality traits. I love animals and am actually veggie. And im not as narcisictic as to say my body is "close to perfection."

It has been said that i look like a "marlow" from emmerdale but i never seen this charachter either.
mccfluff have you got msn?? xXx
wat been buggin u
sorry wats been buggin u mc fluff??
who lighoftruth reminded me of

and have got msn but not at work [email protected]
i've added ya hun!! ta v much xXx
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ive added ya to mine too mccfluff. x
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lol @marlon from Emmerdale...

starting to feel a bit sorry for touchoflight...

first Glyn from BB (BEFORE not even AFTER!) and then Marlon...

aww blesss!
cheers girlies, poor lightoftruth, he's probably got a complex now
that rubyrose one is a right bunny boiler!
Question Author
she's quite funny but i know she can lose it a bit.... no offence rubes...
how about this pic then? 3 ABers in one pic utgi4.png
apologies to the other 2
Ooooh! LOL @ red! Are you gonna be in trouble? :o) x

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