My 9 year old son has been getting regular headaches for a couple of weeks now. He has regular eye tests so I don't think it's that.
Does anybody think it has anything to do with him bumping his head a couple of weeks ago? He was climbing on the lounge window sill and fell off, grabbing the tv as he fell and it caught him on the head. He had an egg-sized lump on his forehead with a multi-colour bruise, but I put witch hazel on it which got rid of the lump and he seemed ok a few minutes later.
Is this just a coincidence. I don't want the doctors thinking I'm an overprotective parent, but maybe I should get him checked out. It could be just a bug going around or something I suppose, but I'd just like to know what your thoughts are. Thanks.
is he an only child or does he have brothers/sisters, do his parents work long hours? has he been in after schol club? has he started in a new class or a new school? has he ever said he doesn't like his class/school? Does he play on a computer game alot?
Hi Dot!
He has a 3 year old sister. I work from home so I'm always here for him. No after school club. He has just started a new class. He doesn't really play much on the computer, but likes typing on a wordprocessing package.
My son had frequent headaches when he was 8/9/10 but there was never any other physical symptoms, I kept him off school several times. He told me when he was in his late teans it was all rubbish and he made them up to avoid school so that he could stay at home with me and watch TV. He is 25 now.
I did think it might be something like that, but he usually really likes school. He has said that his work is harder now though, so maybe that has something to do with it. He's getting more homework now too, I suppose because he's moved up a year in school.
His teacher said he was very quiet all day today and ended up sitting quietly in a corner for quite some time. He also complained off a headache about tea-time tonight. He also had one on Sunday, so maybe it's not school because he's getting them at home too.
The bang on the head didn't really cause any problems at the time, after the initial crying (it was a 32 inch tv that fell on him), but maybe he has done some minor damage. Do you think I should take him to the doctors anyway or am I just being paranoid?
Well, I don't want to be a know it all, cos i can be if not told to shut up, but maybe if you make him an appointment at the doctors, take him along, and by making those little knowing looks at the doctor, the way only us mothers can, you signal to the doctor that maybe it is an attention type headache but that you just want peace of mind, might be an idea. i know you will get my drift cos you sound a proper grounded Mum who knows the score.
Taz. Just to put your mind at ease and to avoid any nasty surprises in later life, have him checked by a doctor. Better safe than sorry. Some kids do use the headache excuse to get out of doing things, but we parents can't always be sure that is what it is. So, be safe and hopefully you will both feel better very soon. I suffered from terrible headaches as a child. It turned out I had a blood clot behind one eye. I didn't have anything done about it, it went away of it's own accord, but it did need monitoring regularly. Headaches can easily be cause by stress in school etc., so don't be too worried, but be safe. No doctor will think you are being overprotective if you take your son for a check-up. Best wishes.
I know exactly what you mean Dot. I have had to give those knowing looks before. Definitely think it will make me feel better if I do take him. At least I'll know that if he isn't making it up I would have done what I should.
Do get him checked out for your own peace of mind .my youngest son who is now a great strapping man ...used to complain of headaches as a child...turned out to be migraine.
Luckily (touch wood) he has seemed to grow out of it ..but it used to be awful.
Thanks Carakeel. He has mentioned a pain behind his eyes, but I just thought it was a normal headache. But after what you've been through, I'm going to ring the doctors tomorrow. Whatever the outcome, at least we'll know. If he's telling porkies to get out of school he'll have a sore backside to match his bad head, lol.
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches can be caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information available at