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Lapdancers and strippers required please!!

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PinkFizz | 15:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
430 Answers
Im thinking of opening the AB Nightclub for exclusive members only,and am holding intervierw this afternoon!

So I need:
Strippers - male or female

All applicants will be seen.Who's first??

(and this is only a bit of fun as a few need cheering up so pls don't ban - thankyou!)


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Cheers fms!! There's a little corner just over there where you can check me over!!
Don't worry, spk, I won't spill any whiskey on me. If anything, I'll try to spill myself over whiskey.
hmmmm yr really hot loobie ill bring some ice so i can cool u down hows yr leg can you walk or shall i carry you?
*whispers* hey posy...i think we may just have to make do as a duo!!! lol
LMAO @ Robbo

Nat - Fitty is coming in, but Im playing with admarlow- can you keep him occupied for me ?
*secretly hope to himself that fitty gets stuck in the traffic!*
I think it's best for you to lift me fms!! I think I need to go home!!!!
My pleasure spk - if you need to find us, we'll be in the back of one of the private rooms....

My shift finishes in 15 minutes - yay!
I have to make sure robbo's well and truly dried off first, ww! ;o)

Just concentrate, robbo! :o)
i thought that ww, whiskey seems pretty tied up with robbo! xXx
ok loobs ill take you cause you obviously cant drive after a fall like that;~)
its ok whisk! you take your time....i'm going for a scan round the other punters!
wonderwoman and posy- lookin stunning. Be careful with your boots and tassles please I only got two hands
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Im back guys - hows it all going??
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Are we all here still??
Where did this come from? It's back!
Club is reopened yayyyyyyyy !!!!
And there's no option to report the question! I think I like this new AB Ed!
maybe we can give her a job too then ! we love you new AB ED ! MWAH !
yaay!!!!!!!!!! will we be open tonite? do you need me to work?? xXx

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