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Lapdancers and strippers required please!!

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PinkFizz | 15:13 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
430 Answers
Im thinking of opening the AB Nightclub for exclusive members only,and am holding intervierw this afternoon!

So I need:
Strippers - male or female

All applicants will be seen.Who's first??

(and this is only a bit of fun as a few need cheering up so pls don't ban - thankyou!)


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clink clink admarlow! - cheers (spk flutters eyelashes)

ROBBO - get back to work !
psssssstttt loobie are those panties sposed to be crotchless?
*grins like a cheshire cat*
Admarlow.... I'm so sorry, I was on my break. Here is your cigar and a bottle of champers for you and Spk.

Loobie... you're on thin ice, get dancing.

Robbo... stop distracting my lovely dancers,

CG Ladies... I'm not seeing much in the way of hose action.

Constable Octavious, perhaps you'd like to be put on the guest list.

<Mutters... I need a raise >
ooooohhhh- gosh that batman suit look gorgeous on u, could hardly recognise you there for a second?

How much longer you on ur shift for?

Ive got an hour and 30 minutes to go - only made �1.69 in tips - but admarlow gave me and Lubes a great bit of wedge for the night! But i left her to deal with him - thinks she's had one too many - bless her!
Guestlist? Guestlist??

I�ve got a truncheon you know. And hand cuffs.
Oh s**t fms, no they're not!! Oh well, everything else is on show so i may as well carry on before I get the sack!!!

I am working, spk. I'm sampling the whiskey behind the bar to check it tastes ok.
dunno really nat i only came ere for an audition and ive ended up behid here fancy another i might as well get one for meself too hehe
oi miss china! don't blame me! i'm the only one bl00dy dancing up here!! ww has disappeared with pc hugenob, whisks is sorting robbo out i think!! thought you said i'd get paid well!! i ain't making much in tips at the mo!! xXx
easy loobs theres not a lot of room for manouver in this costume ykno ;~)
yeah go on fms.... make mine a triple!

Better get back on stage after that one or pay admarlow a quick visit... feeling a bit tipsy as it is!!
You spill whisky on your cape robbo you pay for it. Thats rubber you know its not cheap !
admarlow would you like a top up? Those bubbles are going to my head a bit !
ojkay *hic* wers the optics *hic* two more coming uphehe
yopu think any one will notice?
ooh i jus had a thought how the heck am i gonna well ykno sort out the plumbing so to speak in this gear?
*attempts to get down from bar but thigh length boot gives way and topples onto floor*

can I get an ambulance please...fms has given me too many screaming orgasms!!!!!
yes please spk *turns off his phone as Miss admarlow keeps trying to call*
i'm here!! i keep tripping up over that big pink hose on the bar....must be whiskey's!
il help you up loobs i need a hand to get this out fitt off and i could make sure your ok *nudge nudge wink wink*
spk - is fitty on the guestlist for tonight....?

Im bored - need some entertaining - no boss around so im sure they wont mind if i slip off more moment or so...

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