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admarlow | 12:52 Wed 08th Nov 2006 | Body & Soul
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Ooh, what's that one? :o) x
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well next time you go to ikea say it to someone, it means I love you, little baby.

Miceya, cue kurver.
Aww! What a cutie. :o))

Have a great one guys. Be good! ;o) xxx
'Morning guys! How were your weekends? xxx
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Im hung over =0{ but a good weekend.....what about you honey??, on 2a.m on saturday night a girl I know sent me a topless picture of herself to me by accident!! ha ha I couldn't stop laughing, poor her!
LMAO! Bless her! Did she realise the mistake?

Had a good weekend, but a bit of a poo morning, babe. Went into the back of some bloke who slammed his brakes on because the plank in front decided to change direction on a roundabout! Grrrr... Lost my no claims now. :o(

Been reading about your scam thing, hun! LOL! x
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Hey WS, I did that to my car the other week, and Im selling it!!!! I got it fixed without getting the insurance involved though!!. The topless girl hasn't replied to my messages since she sent it ah ha ha The old thread on the scam thing got banned did you see it, if not Ill email it to you...
Good thinking, hun. I'm not too fussed about the car as it's only one I picked up cheap until I got the money through from the last accident (LOL! Also not my fault, but a big arctic!), more annoyed because I had my niece in the car with me.

Poor girl, I bet she was mortified! LOL! Bet you didn't delete it though, did ya? ;o)

I saw it before it went, babe. Loved that guy's 'Olan Mills' style photo! :o)) x
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ha ha ha well I can't say too much but I might have a great photo for everyone on AB pretty soon with a bit of luck. Ok, I am feeling psychic today, I bet you have a green 106.
Heehee! That was pretty good for a guess, babe! ;o) It is green but it's unfortunately a Mondeo (my very own tank). Hate it and I look silly in it. I was only meant to have it for a month... 9 months later! LOL!

Can't wait to see the photo! Even the thought of it has cheered me up! :o))

How long until you go away now, hun? x
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I am flying on the 28th November, can't wait!!!

lol green mondeo, I wish you could see the picture in my head... ha ha ha
Nooo! That's too soon! :o(

Oi, cheeky! LMAO! I bet I can imagine..., and it's probably right! :o))

Working hard today then, are we? ;o) Where's nat and spk? x
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I know Nat and SPK are not being very good turtles today!!! Did you buy much in Ikea?
Spent too much in the food area of the shop, LOL! I have a slight addiction to the Cinnamon Rolls... and the little chocs they do. They were all blitzed during my hangover! :o))

What did the last bit of Swedish, that you posted, mean, hun?

Maybe nat & spk are at lunch? x
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the last one is something you say to somebody you don't like it means big d!ck head. Swedish is cool they have words for stuff we don't , for instance ''Ficka'' is when you meet your friends for a coffee, and ''Goosa'' is when you get all comfortable in front of the TV with pillows and a duvet...
LMAO! That's my response sorted for the next time they ask for 5 pence per carrier bag! :o))

Aww, in that case, I don't half fancy a 'Goosa' day (doubt the word is used quite like that!) :o))

Have you started packing yet, hun? x
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ha ha ha no I haven't!!! I am praying it will all fit in, I want to leave some space in the bag but I doubt that will happen!. I finish work on Friday so I plan to pack next week. Do you have any holidays planned?
LOL! Aww, that's okay. You don't need to leave that much room, I only want a small prezzie! ;o)

Only NY next month, hun. Going on the 9th for a week. I can't wait! I may cry or throw up with the excitement when I get there. It's been a dream for too long...

Are they having a leaving do for you? x
Hello, can i join?
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yep Ive hired an area in a bar in Govent Garden. NY ey, I bet that will be amazing..who are you going with? BTW you are right. diamond rings don't take up too much space, ha ha ha

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