Me and my ex girlfriend have had rocky rides together. We fell out numerous times and most recently we had a big fall out, that was, until she sent me a text message on my mobile telling me she was pregnant and sending me a picture of the pregnancy test. She has told me she does not want to keep it, but many times has she given much desire to keep it. We broke up last night because of many complications. She told me hurtful things, mainly because of problems such as me being unemployed. I am having to do so much to get my life in order, but I am confused as to her plans. As I know her quite well, I think she has maternal feelings for our baby. But, she tells me she wants an abortion and to never see me again; knowingly, one would believe she has totally made a prerogative on the issue and I am the only loser. I don't know what to do, she wants space and I am going to have to give her some. I think it's a defense mechanism because of many of the things that complicated our relationship, such as me being possessive etcetera. need to tell your girlfriend to take precautions. Isn't this the third time she has been pregnant? and as she is in her 30's and you are 19...then she should know better....
Tell her you love and want her to keep the baby, but that you will support her in whatever she chooses to do. Tell her you are aware of your problems and give her a strategy for you amending them, then tell her you understand that she needs space and give it to her, making it plain that you love her and would be glad to hear from her anytime.
Then let her go.
If she comes back it will be for all the right reasons and if she doesn't then sadly that's the way life is sometimes.
OMG i remember now this bloke is an idiot wanted to kill her etc PLEASE PLEASE do not bring a poor little innocent baby into this world with you to as parents
I called him a prat, boro, or something along those lines. He said he would letter bomb my house and that I had made him so mad, he was going to have to tell his dad.
But this one is less volatile.....he got abusive at everyone, good answers bad answers....they all got the same reaction. Then he went on to threaten people.