Apologies in advance for the poo question, but I'm a bit concerned. I just had a poo, which looked really weird. It was a bit grey in colour, and this weird white stuff seemed to be threaded through it, that kind of looked like egg white. It was gross! Any ideas? I'm otherwise well, and haven't eaten anything unusual.
Probably a parasite like thread worms, you could eat some shredded carrots to get help get rib of them but you can get medicine over the counter to definitely get rid of them. Wash your hands and scrub ubder your nails cause this is where the eggs will be. You also have to treat everyone in your house. The grey colour might have something to do with the worms if it is that but I thought pale faeces indicated a lack of bile being produced, so maybe gall bladder some sort of liver function problam if it doesnt go back to normal.
Are you usually constipated as this is, I think, a result of long-term constipation (I don't mean not going for yonks) but a general history of constipation. I've had it.
Scoobysoo, by the statement of not knowing when the next time will be I would imagine its constipation. Get some roughage down you and keep yourself well hydrated.