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Older men and youger women

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johnlambert | 14:04 Wed 22nd Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
67 Answers
I'm 17 years older than my wife, age has never been an issue for us although it was for her parents but they are ok now.
What age diffrence would other ABers find unacceptable?


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i think the analogy is that you . are the car, and you need to take whichever guy comes along
Marry me queenie! I have a car that's out of gas!
you see young girls of 18 with a man of 50 i think its a bit sick really .no way would i let my daughter if i had one go out with a man a lot older .
She�d be 18. It wouldn�t really be up to you, would it.
well i have to agree with wardy, i'd personally find it distasteful if a man 17 years her junior was interested in my teen daughter, and i'm afraid i'd do everything in my power to try and talk her out of going with him.

The worst case scenario as far as i'd be concerned would be if she settled down with him, 17 in my mind is way too young for a grown up relationship and i'd be worried that by the time she's in her mid 20's with children she'd wonder where her life has gone and start resenting the life she's leading.

What on earth, apart from sex obviously, would a couple with this age gap between them have in common?

Don't mean to offend john, just my own opinion.
Sleepy, my mum said that and a few years later had to admit she changed her mind when she realised how happy he made me
why should I have to take any guy that comes along???????
I am 23 and having my Fiances baby, he is 30. He worries about the age gap though, he says he feels really old when we are out....
To me, he is absolutly amazing and I couldnt be happier.

Some goof friends of mind have an age gap of 17 years {Hes 61} I won't tell you how old she is tho as its not nice to know a womans age by all accounts!!

Providing both are mature enough, i do not really see an issue, age is but a number end of storey.

I was 45 she was 32 and it lasted 6 months then my girlfriend found out about us
i would lock her in a room . before i let some dirty old man have hes wicked way with her
Goodsoulette wasn' t the car! The car was the vintage lassie I was with. The petrol was obviously a metaphor for time left. I thought I'd written something beautiful back there!
Im effing glad I wasnt the car, if you had portrayed me as a car I would have had to have cyber slapped you.

girl thats ok age wise . its when the age gap is 35 and more years that i thinks a bit sick .
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As I said, her parents were dead against the relationship from the start, her mum now accepts that she is the only one for me, her dad still thinks I'm the man who stole his daughter's virginity, and has until recently been quietly hostile to me, however as twizzle said, he now sees how happy we are together, he's still not happy about the situation but he now grudgingly accepts it
How would you be about it though John? If your daughter came home with a man twice her age at 17 or would you assume he was just out for a bit of errrr cherry popping?
I'd have p1ssed in your fuel tank for that!
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He's NOT happy that his other daughter gets on all right with me!!
I can imagine why they feel this way too john. Do you not worry that when your wife reaches mid to late 20's she's think......"what the hell am I doing here?"

Like I said, no offence meant here, but I wouldn't be happy if Mini Boo told me at 17 she's thinking of settling with a man 17 years her senior, infact i'd go mental.

I also have to admit that if I knew you in real life as a friend, the fact that you had a wife 17 years your junior wouldn't endear me to you either.
but my engine would have been specially adapted to run on ****! A bit like the juicemaster adaptation on the delorean.

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