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Black Eye?

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SazzyC0 | 12:11 Wed 02nd Sep 2009 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Hi, It appears I have a black eye, it has been like this for about 3 or 4 days now. I do not recall any incident that may have caused this. Any idea's how it got there, and how I can make it go?? My BF suggested it may be a burst blood vessel from drinking but it doesn't look like that to me.


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Either you were dreaming you were boxing or someone elbowed you because of your loud snoring.
Because there are so many tiny blood vessels around the eye, it is possible to get a real shiner with virtually no impact - certainly the result is not in proportion to the cause.

You may simply have knocked yourself in your sleep, or a vessel may have burst for no known reason.

However caused, the blood is simply re-abosrbed into your system over a few days. best to use some concealer in the mean time, and get used to the pitying looks you get when you try and tell people the truth.

I got a seriously massive black eye a few years ago after walking into a door. I finally got sick of the disbelieving looks I got when I told the truth about how I got my black eye, so I started saying I got it in a fight at closing time. I don;t drink alcohol, and I don't go to pubs, but that explanation seemed more acceptable!

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