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Spots on back

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yellowduck | 17:49 Sat 15th Jan 2005 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
Hey, I have really angry red bumps all over my back and I'm starting to get small pimples on my chest too. After a while the ones on my back just go really dry and flaking and then I'll get a new batch. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get rid of them cos they can be painful and they're certainly very unsightly. Thanks x x x


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You don't say how old you are, but if you are in your teens I'd say it was quite normal, although very unpleasant.

The best thing to do is to go and visit your doctor and see what s/he advises.
you can get a uv light and put it to your back for about 10 minues. it really works! x x
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My da has had 'skin dandruff' all his life which is red blotches on the back and chest. All the males in his family have it. I dont though. Ask your doctor if this is what it is, but i would doubt it. If you a youngish guy, pimples on the chest are normal. They can even sometimes be caused by a change in soap, shower gel, body spray etc. The thing is, you have said 'red bumps' and I would defos ask a doctor.
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sounds like an allergy - try using different shampoo (a naturalish one that doesn't have perfume in it) and washing it off forward rather than letting the water go down your back. For me anything scented can set me off - so have to be quite careful with soaps, shampoos, gels, sprays etc.

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