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Alcohol and when to call it a day

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DPlant | 15:03 Sun 03rd Oct 2010 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
For the last 15 years or thereabouts I've realised that I have a problem with alcohol and over the last two years it's got way out of hand and taken over my life.
For those last two years I haven't been able to work and I live on my own so there's another problem with not being able to talk to any body about it.
That's why I'm typing this.
Roughly, for about a month I've had a lot of stomach pain and trying to eat any thing makes it much, much worse, most days that I try to eat any thing It makes me sick about half an hour later.
Last night I did manage to eat a full meal but after throwing it back up I also produced about a desert spoon of blood, which has scared me a bit.
I would say that it's been about 3 or 4 months now that I have to have a bucket by my side as I'm constantly dehydrating by over salivating and as disgusting as it is - it has to go somewhere.
If you know what alcoholism is you wont knock me for being here, and I know you will say see your doctor and that's good advice. But if you're in constant pain and
If you are puking up blood, what have you done to yourself?


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There`s something you can get with alcoholism were you can get bleeds from the oesophegus.
Recognising you have a problem is the first step to doing something about it.
237SJ...Oesophageal varices.......always secondary to well established cirrhosis.
Sqad...I wasn't trying to panic him. But I would rather he panic and gets his ar$e to the GP..than not.

<<<It is a panic. Get to the doctor ASAP<<<

Apart from your immediate medical problems, have you ever thought of trying to stop drinking? AA might be able to help.
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ok :)

"I have found this to be better than I thought, how nice you all are are!"
16:48 Sun 03rd Oct 2010

You've caught them on a good day. In reality they are like ravaging savages. :-)
Yes. Go to the doctors ASAP. I only use the word panic because you did..
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It's a very long story sandyRoe, I have been down many roads in the past but I think in my own stubborn way that nobody could have told me what I already knew in such a way that I would have listened to them.
How much do you actually drink?
DPlant. I'm so sorry you are in this situation, I've been there. I haven't had a drink for nearly 3 years now. My husband is a heavy drinker and had a Mallory Weiss in 2003 and was in the HDU department of the hospital for 2 days.
He carried on drinking and now has cirrhosis of the liver and has been told he must stop drinking, which he has, (again)!!!!!

I'm not knocking you but please get help to stop taking the poison, you'll feel so much better without it but I know it is hard. The best of luck. Chrissa1

Go and see your GP and if you stop drinking your liver and oesophagus will not get any worse.
Everybody who goes into an AA meeting carries their own memories of the hard life with them, me included.
Give it a try. It is one way that I know of that does work.
DPlant, perhaps this is a wake-up call for you. Take heed brother and look after yourself before it's too late.
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You're right society.
It's defo a wake up call. I even think it Has been for my husband this time and he has decided that he doesn't want to die. Harsh but true.
DPLant-- my heart goes out to you.Please see yourGp as soon as-- why--my father had similar probs to you through his drinking , BUT, he sought help from the Gp and AA.The result was that he was cured in both aspects, he never drank alcohol again and he lived to a ripe old age. It wasn't easy for him to do any of this and many times his resolve to abstain nearly faltered, but he made it .You can do this as well, you have the encouragement of many of us on AB .
Keep in touch with us , let us know how you are from time to time.
The most sincere of good wishes to you.Brenda.
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That teared me up chrissa, you know where your husband and others like him are comming from and what they face to get over it, it's so much harder to do it on your own and rely on the internet for help. It's harsh but true.
Sandy, I've done aa years ago. I couldn't get along with the you need to find God thing.
It wasn't ever going to work for me.
but I think this has spiraled away from what it started out to be so I will say thank you to every body and sign out. xxxxx
DPlant, it shouldn't be difficult to do on your own; think whether you want to live or die and let that be your incentive to do the right thing.
best of luck, DPlant
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Sorry brenda, it took me ages to post that last bit so I missed your last post.
Thank you for your support and kind words.
I echo sara -peace out x

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