The truth is that there does not exist a dating site that is best for everybody. As all of the people are different and have different needs and expectations when it comes to a partner, so as there exist many different dating sites that cover a different kind of people as a target. So, in order to get an answer to this question, everybody should search for a dating site personally, by considering what is the most important criteria their partner should meet. I found a very helpful using the special search engine for dating sites: . On this search engine, you can select a category of dating site, price, language, location, etc. which will make your search more personalized and based on your needs. Also, most important for me while using this site is the filter which excludes the sites that are using fake messages from self-made profiles. It seems that there exist many dating sites that are doing this, so avoiding them will save you a lot of time and will bring you better results because you will be sure that you are communicating with a real person. I am sure that by using this search engine you will find the most suitable dating site for you because on Google it is impossible to search in that way. It is always more useful when you search in the right place. Online dating really works and you just have to give it a chance. Like in real life, it may take time until you meet the right person for you, but online you have a much greater chance to meet new people than in real. I wish you good luck.