dont know how to word this without ounding like a **** here so here goes.
i dont want to give out names here so ok, im going out with someone named mike and i loce him so much, we've been going out for 3 month i've known him since i've been 3 and we got together and we are really close but we dont hold hands or kiss or anything the nearest we got was hugging, i am awake with this being my first boyfrine we're both shy to make a first move.
but i also like someone called bob, he is great we get along great same as mike but i know bob is more forward with things , fair enough i would still be shy to like do things but i know he would make the first move, with mike it's always me who has to make the first move.
i know bob could give me what i would like, but i am going out with mike and loved him more than bob, im so confused and about mike and bob the first names i thought of lols, please help would be appreishated
it's not like i dont love mike anymore because i do very much
OOps yes 4get, not similar at all in fact just the opposite. I hope you make the right choice ali-nook, mike may see you more as a sister so you will have to take things steady with him. Bob sounds more experienced if you went out with him you risk losing mike, are you prepared to do that?