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Onwards and downwards

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xstitcher | 06:58 Wed 04th May 2011 | Weight Loss & Dieting
194 Answers
Good Morning All,

Well like the temperatures outside my weight has been up and down lately. I'm sure it has to do with me being "lost."

Hope you are all getting near your goals.


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Well done Rowan. stick at it.
xsticher, it must be hard for mums as you say, but working in the catering at our local hospital and seeing all that lovely food and especially home made cakes and biscuits, I used to be tempted but Im amazed at myself that I am not anymore. I may have the odd one cake if Im really tempted but before, I was having a pudding every day and a cake and buying one to take home for me and OH later. No wonder I was piling it on. But thats all in the past. Onwards and dopwnwards
Possibly ed. I did very well by myself a year or so ago before all this rubbish with my hip and leg kicked off and now I'm quite disappointed with myself.

Thanks for the well wishes, I read through the weight watchers stuff again and I have decided that it is most definitely not for me. I will read my slimming world DVD tonight. I may well just start reporting in here each wednesday as I have no interest in going to a club/group... I'm sociable like that ;0)

I'm finding it very hard to get in to the swing of it all again. I used to love my classes at the gym before and I know I can't go to those at the moment but I could go swimming and yet I haven't even done that. I've no excuses, it's not that far from where I live and it's much cheaper than most gym/pools. As I'm a member, it doesn't cost me to use the pool. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time getting my head around the fact that I need to get off my butt and go swimming at least!
Thanks for the congrats, Wendilla and Jules :-)
i would love to go swimming,as that is the one exercise i can do without effecting my balance,the only thing is i feel so fat and i dont want people to stare at me.i usually tried to go when its adults only;
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Oh Dear, Your mail mad me so sad slinky.kate because it underlines the way we are made to feel if we aren't exactly "average." Perhaps if you think of it this way; that most adults are going to the pool for a reason that isn't to have "fun" and are thinking more about why they are there than what anybody else looks like. I do hope you can overcome your own fears about what others might, but probably don't think, and get your self into that pool. The first time will be the hardest for you but hopefully after that you will find it easier. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
People don't stare. Some are too concened about their own body image but mostly they just don't care. When I first started I felt the same, six months later I was getting changed in the communal bit butt nekked while chatting away to people I'd had classes with.
Hi everyone, have not posted here for a while.....I lost the extra 2 lbs plus 1.....took a lot of never gets easier does it?!! x
Slinky....I go to the pool when its quiet and go anyway...its such a rest for you joints if nothing else being supported in the water.. might not do a Zumba class just yet though.... if my bits start wobbling they will take a week to stop...
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Well done Noraq. Youre right it doesnt get any easier but youve just got to congrat yourself for keeping going
Hi everybody and well done to all that have lost :o)

I lost 2lb on Wednesdays weigh-in which I'm very happy with.
Well done Tigger.I am hoping for a good result this week .Think I have got back on track at last. Onwards and Downwards
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Good for you Wendilla, you wouldn't have given me any pats on the back yesterday at the Chinese buffet. All my good intentions I had disappeared completely the minute I walked in the door.
It is so easy Xstitcher not to resist. couple of weeks ago my friend and I had all intentions of having a bagette but we saw 2 meals for the price of one and we saw the waitress walk past with a huge battered fish. I dont need to tell you the rest. But I seem to have got back on track for nearly a week now so heres hoping .
The maddening part is you know you should not have eaten it after you have eaten it and you wish you hadn't eaten it lol
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Glad to hear that I'm not alone Wendilla, but I must admit that at the moment I am having some lovely memories......they will last until I get on the
who reported the comment about saving the whale....I thought it was really funny and exactly captures how I look in the pool these days
'Save the whale' I didn't even see it. :-)))

Well weigh-in last night and I'm happy to report a 2.5lbs lose. I'm veery pleased with that especially as I was at my sons for the weekend and just ate what was put in front of me - very nice it all was too - probably didn't look good by SW standards but I survived. Just have to keep it up. I hope you are all winning the battle. I'll look in later.

Onwards and Downwards.
Morning I expected a bit more as I have just got back on track.I have lost 1 lb but I may have put on a little bit before I started to lose again so next week should show a decent loss.
Jim good for you .Onwards and Downwards
Wendilla 1lb down is good, you're going in the right direction. I know it's disheartening though. I only lost half a pound last week. Onwards and Downwards. Jools

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