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asks kellyshewell:A. The major long-term effects of exercise are well-documented - keeping fit helps to ward off the major diseases that come with age. It reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes
00:00 Mon 24th Dec 2001asks Shenoy:A. Lots of people think so. Telekinesis is the power to move objects using only your mind - for example, Uri Gellor and his bending forks. If you look up 'telekinesis' on the Internet,
00:00 Mon 24th Dec 2001ask Sander: A. If the lump in your throat is brought on by emotion and not caused by a physical condition, then it's what doctors call 'globus hystericus' or 'globus sensation'. Q. You what A. It's
00:00 Mon 17th Dec 2001asks Adryley: A. There are lots of reasons why you can have bags under your eyes - and, if they worry you, lots of things you can do about them. But there's no reason to worry. Does anyone think
00:00 Mon 17th Dec 2001asks johnjo: A. The Government wants white flour to be fortified with folic acid. This is because it is known that women drastically reduce their chances having a baby with spina bifida if they take
00:00 Mon 17th Dec 2001asks MissDon:A. Thrush is an extremely irritating condition which is caused by a yeast organism - Candida albicans. Q. Isn't it normal to have some yeast in the body A. Yes, but too much and you've
00:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001asks Allan:A. Everything's 'antibacterial' now - from socks and chopping boards to pillows and skin products. And none are more popular than antibacterial soaps, both liquid and solid, which pander to
00:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001asks jaysway: A. By 'crack', you mean when you lace your fingers together, turn your palms away from your body and bend your fingers back Q. Yes, when you get that strangely enjoyable cracking
00:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001asks James:A. D j vu is French for 'already seen' and describes the impression that you have already experienced what you are going through at a particular moment, or that you have already been
00:00 Mon 03rd Dec 2001asks siddhartha:A. Migraine is not a regular headache - it's a debilitating condition, and the symptoms include: an intense throbbing pain on one side of the head; feeling nauseous and even vomiting;
00:00 Mon 03rd Dec 2001asks rtell:A. Extremes of weather can really dry out skin. In winter, it's the low humidity, icy weather and overheated homes and offices that play havoc with your skin. And it's not just people with
00:00 Mon 03rd Dec 2001asks Miss Don:A. Yes. You are considered to be at risk if a parent has it, although it hasn't yet been proved that it is inherited. Q. What are the other risks A. Women who had have an early
00:00 Mon 26th Nov 2001asks Seeker: A. He is a Czech psychiatrist who now lives in California. He retired recently after 40 years researching non-ordinary states of consciousness induced by psychedelic substances and
00:00 Mon 26th Nov 2001asks Pathfinder:A. Fleas are a real pest. A single female flea can lay as many as 50 eggs a day. Fleas reproduce quickly, and those 50 can soon multiply to more fleas than you want to think about, so
00:00 Mon 26th Nov 2001asks PathfinderA. Fibre is the bits of plant cells that you can't digest, and is found in vegetables, cereals, bread, nuts, seeds and fruit. It's known that eating high-fibre foods provides
00:00 Mon 19th Nov 2001asks MScott:A. You know when you've got a cold and, while there is no 'cure', there are some simple things you can do to get over it quickly. Q. Such as A. Take some rest for a start - your body
00:00 Mon 19th Nov 2001asks PDTV: A. There is only one thing more irritating than listening to an extremely dull personal conversation between two loud-mouthed people and that is only hearing one side of it. But don't be
00:00 Mon 19th Nov 2001asks rtell:A. The average person loses more than a litre of sweat a day. Sweating is your body's way of regulating your temperature. Q. So why do some people smell and not others A. People who
00:00 Mon 12th Nov 2001asks Jayne b-t: A. Though both plants have medicinal uses, they come from different continents - Latin America and Africa - and are used for rather different purposes. Cat's Claw or Uncaria tomentosa
00:00 Mon 12th Nov 2001asks Sander: A. You're right to be worried. On average, adults more than double their calorie intake over Christmas - up to 7,000 or 8,000 calories a day! Q. Does this do any harm A. As a
00:00 Mon 12th Nov 2001
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