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I have a teenage son that spend as much time as he possibly can on his laptop, he takes longer and longer everytime I tell him to turn it off. so I was googling parental control software and i...
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Here's the and your wife or partner etc are expecting your first child. There is only 2 weeks until the big day!! Ok, I know babies don't often arrive on the very date they are said to...
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has anyone had to move a loved into a nursing home? What can I do about feeling guilty although i know this is the best sokution. Never felt so lonely after bring married 65 years...
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My landlord is selling the house im living in, and means me and my family are once again going to be homeless. Council have told me that we have to stay until we are evicted by bailiffs to even...
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Anyone know a web site like Moonpig, Funkypidgeon etc.etc...where I can design a card with a Easter gift card that can be used in Australia. Thanks
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I would like to make a family scrapbook to leave to my grandchildren. I would prefer something like a Ring Binder so additions or editing can be done. Now I know the written documents can be slid in...
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does anybody have the original instructions for this cot anywhere out there? Many thanks x...
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I read somewhere that there s a website where you can trace members of the family's Forces records - does anyone know the address, and does it cost anything to look at? Thankyou to anyone who can help...
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tasty snack for the earl 8 letters resting place for a president 7 letters
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superficially covering too much betting? [10]?v?r?a????. newspapers,maybe,for travelling attendants [8] ??u?i???. dismissing for not keeping a sufficient supply on hand.[7,3]??n?i?g ???...
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So my girlfriend of 9 months just got a a part time job....well..about 2 months ago. She got a job at Hooters so she's surrounded by perverts all day. She also goes to an automotive engineering...
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In todays age what is the best option? I cant see a benefit of bringing a new human into this already overcrowded and struggling world. But adoption does not provide you with the same bond. I would...
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inventor of the seismograph. 7,7
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My one friend has a really huge gut but a skinny body. I've been making fun of her for it for a while. She constantly works out, and she gets skinnier everywhere except her gut. Her gut is so big she...
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What is the difference between a 'brother' and 'half brother'? I know plenty of women that have children by different Fathers, the kids are not referrred to as 'half'. But this seems to be the case if...
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I have just discovered that my son's photo has been desplayed in his school website since last September without my consent. I have never given to school permission to use his photo becuase of safety...
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My dad died a yr ago tomorrow. I cant believe it has been a year! I miss him so much and still cry at least once a day, usually when I go to bed at night. I end up staying up late because Im in fear...
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My oh will be 60 in June and I am stuck for ideas for a present! All (polite) suggestions welcome :)
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and specifically 'our' daughter. She's shall I put it...left out,distanced,ignored-by him. Lately it seems his contact with her is becoming more and more sporadic,and she is the one to...

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