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Didn't post this last night as I was still annoyed about it. I still am, but wanted some 'outsiders' views- if you don't mind :-) We went to Mini Boo's parents evening last night. And she's doing well...
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whooping cough and long lasting effects?
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Do you think it's over-diagnosed?
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Can anyone please help me with where my chid stands regarding his safety at school. In his class is a child with extreme behavioural problems. A year ago this child attacked my son in the toilet. He...
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Is there anyone left out there who went to Dury Falls School in Hornchurch in the forties? If so, did you have an all-school photograph including teachers? I had one, but lost it.
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I have a pair of student grandson's above ankle length boots with long laces up the front and a side zip. I think the laces are more for decoration as the zip is used to get them on and off. However...
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Can anybody tell me how to go about getting a blue disable badge
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...prompted this thought. Should shameful family secrets be allowed to fester in secret, or would a 'better out than in approach' be healthier?...
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must bee the wost movie i have seen,left before bruce willis even appeared
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Do Grandparents have any access rights to see grandchildren? For example - an unmarried couple have two children. The father is on both birth certificates and they have been living together for a few...
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Has anyone got any idea how to "sew in the sleeves using the semi-set in method" on a hand knitted garnment? I've tried Googling it for my Mum but haven't found anything useful.
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This morning I got up to find a £5 note missing from my table in my lounge. My husband and daughter were with me, and I asked them, and neither of them had taken it. My husband went bed last...
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I have a 25 year old grandson with whom I have always been very close. He was in a 4 year relationship with someone who went off with someone else leaving him devastated. He loved her and lost so much...
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not really a question but where has my son gone, he's turned into a miserable bedroom goblin that thinks smiling might turn him to stone. It happened within a week of him starting secondary...
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Am I pregnant? I need answers. :(? Please don't judge, okay? well last October 1st, I had sex for the first time. It lasted for less than 5minutes I guess. No more than 10. We were very stupid, yes i...
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2nd baby girl born this morning,8lbs.8oz,by c section,as breach,all seems well.the daddy phone to tellgramps this eve from afghanistan,(baby not born there)
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I'm trying to make up a list of foods to avoid giving my 2 1/2 year old. He's a handful and he's been seen by hospital and goes to his own nursery where he gets one on one time with the teacher. He...
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if a teenager drops out of a college course, are they entitled to JSA or any kind of benefit?
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Is it possible to conceive a child after sterilisation without having any kind of treatment?

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