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I’m just wondering, is it possible to get pregnant using the withdrawal method? All of the websites that say yes describe it as having sex until he needs to cum then pulling out at the last minute. My...
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My younger brother (Lets call him Jacob) and I have been close ever since we were small. As we’ve gotten older, we aren’t as close as before. Jacob is acting extremely strange recently and it’s...
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have you ever dealt with not javing a solid faimly foundation? You had a mother, father, sister , brother. however you always felt like an outcast. have you ever dealt with certin family members...
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Well I'm married and I work . I have kind of a stressful job and I talk about my job a lot. I tend to vent about things a lot . It's my way of getting things out . Today my friend tells me she is...
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I used to think I was bi but didn't even believe myself. Now recently I was texting this guy and he was nice and had my humour and so I sent him nudes but after I immediately regretted it because I...
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Thus guys who mans the tanners I go to hugs and kisses me whe I turn up and leave. Maybe I'm being over the top.
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If your married & your husband has an outside child from a pervious relationship. The childs mother is very jealous of the new wife in the worst way. she now tells the child not to listen to his step...
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What do you do when you have a Monster (mother) In Law from hell. She has no problem over stepping boundaries. Manipulates situations & causes drama. The husband of course stands uo for his wife. Then...
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Me and my partner went through a short breakup, and now she says wants more time to herself and to be more independent. Which is completely normal in a relationship and is down to the fact we were...
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I have this close friend that I treat like a little brother but he likes me romantically. I mean he is a nice person and i like his presence a lot. As for me I'm fine that he's crushing on me but...
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So I’ve been in a relationship that officially started recently. But we’ve been ‘together’ since June last year. Things have been going amazingly. He’s got mainly female friends which have never been...
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A bit shocked to read this on separating parents to be fined. If I am separated that it, I don't want anything to do with the other person....
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Being Mother's Day, I and my own mother went to see a 94 yo lady whom I've known since childhood (neighbour) in a care home today. She's always been good to me and I back to her. I always get anxious...
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San Francisco The Bay Area wake up and stand up It’s me — #StayLit #ThoughtsAt222AM Hi houda please check your FB...
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My sister quarrelled some time ago with another of my sisters over a trivial matter and emphasised shortly afterwards that my other sister was "out of her life forever" from then on. My own 6 year old...
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it is mothers day this week and it is made very clear with the cards and gifts in the supermarket and the emails and adverts online but it can be a very hard day for a lot of people who have lost...
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Hi, I want to record my mother mentally abuses my father, but I worry she could claim that I only record the moments that she behaves badly towards my father and I don't record the moments my father...
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Basically the title. I thought it would be funny to make him love me and then tell him my race but I was already too deep in when I realized what he was. He also has issues and I seem like his only...
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As I do not live in UK I am unaware about these things. I was wondering what help there was available for a man who is having problems at home and wife is trying to kick him out of house. He has no...
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My boyfriend constantly goes to see his ex wife in a psychiatric hospital who is in there for life every time he goes and visits her it’s like he DOSENT love me he knows it upsets me. It’s like he...

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