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1961 to 1980 of 2274

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So we have had our first acknowledgement letter from one of the 3 primary schools we shortlisted for the little man for September. This is a Church Of England School (my former school and the best in...
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I have a teenage son that spend as much time as he possibly can on his laptop, he takes longer and longer everytime I tell him to turn it off. so I was googling parental control software and i...
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I read somewhere that there s a website where you can trace members of the family's Forces records - does anyone know the address, and does it cost anything to look at? Thankyou to anyone who can help...
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tasty snack for the earl 8 letters resting place for a president 7 letters
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superficially covering too much betting? [10]?v?r?a????. newspapers,maybe,for travelling attendants [8] ??u?i???. dismissing for not keeping a sufficient supply on hand.[7,3]??n?i?g ???...
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So my girlfriend of 9 months just got a a part time job....well..about 2 months ago. She got a job at Hooters so she's surrounded by perverts all day. She also goes to an automotive engineering...
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In todays age what is the best option? I cant see a benefit of bringing a new human into this already overcrowded and struggling world. But adoption does not provide you with the same bond. I would...
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inventor of the seismograph. 7,7
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My one friend has a really huge gut but a skinny body. I've been making fun of her for it for a while. She constantly works out, and she gets skinnier everywhere except her gut. Her gut is so big she...
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What is the difference between a 'brother' and 'half brother'? I know plenty of women that have children by different Fathers, the kids are not referrred to as 'half'. But this seems to be the case if...
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I have just discovered that my son's photo has been desplayed in his school website since last September without my consent. I have never given to school permission to use his photo becuase of safety...
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My dad died a yr ago tomorrow. I cant believe it has been a year! I miss him so much and still cry at least once a day, usually when I go to bed at night. I end up staying up late because Im in fear...
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My oh will be 60 in June and I am stuck for ideas for a present! All (polite) suggestions welcome :)
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and specifically 'our' daughter. She's shall I put it...left out,distanced,ignored-by him. Lately it seems his contact with her is becoming more and more sporadic,and she is the one to...
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AB Editor
Just a general thread of motherly appreciation for the weekend :)
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What is going on with Cliffs hair?! Is it a syrup? And what is with those 80s style denim jeans and trainers! Anyway, just wondering, is he gay??...
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There's a topic on This Morning right now, regarding parents who allow their children to have sex under their roof. We're talking 16/17 years old. One Mother says she puts condoms in their Christmas...
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Didn't know where to put this - but my friend was telling me last night - that her nephew's friend was hurt in a rugby match sometime this week - brought into hospital and found he has a lump in his...
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If you are moving areas and therefore your child has to change schools,what happens if you take the child out of their old school before they have a place at a new one? This has happenned to a child i...

1961 to 1980 of 2274

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