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Has anyone had swine flu mildly - is that possible? We have had all the symptoms of swine flu, but although ill have not been THAT bad. I was waiting for it to get worse, but temperature never got...
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Jo, I've been trying to reply to you on FB but it keeps crashing so I will try again later, unless you are around now on here?
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between my 2 sons they have 10 nursery teachers i need gifts for them all before my sons leave for big school does anyone have any ideas as cheap ass possible that are nice
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Do you think this is true that money buys family and friends. if you have no money then you have no family and frinds.
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Has anyone had to go through the painful process of selling their parent's (and own childhood) home to pay for care home fees? How did you get through this process? My mother has Alzhiemers and my...
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I have a daughter who is approaching her 19th birthday in Nov 09, i have today been told by the CSA that i have to continue paying child support up until her 19th birthday, however this will stop if...
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Now don't get me wrong I wholly agree that children should see their fathers (with the obvious exceptions!) My daughter is 14 and sees her dad every friday night. He is re-married with a young son....
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My husband's ex wife is emailing pictures of herself with their two daughters to his business email address. I think this is not appropriate. What do you think?
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Can I put metal items in a casket for cremation? My Uncle was an avid darts player and I would like to send him off with a set of darts?
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I have my Granfather's birth certificate who was born in 1919 but there's no father's name on it, just the mothers. I pressume she wasn't married. How can I find more information on her as I have no...
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Hi, as its school holidays and im off from my full time job to spend some time with my son, id like to take him out for some day trips, but unsure where to go with him,,,, we are currently waiting for...
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My friend & her live in partner decided to split up 4 months ago. The council house they shared only has his name on the tennancy, but he said she could stay there till she found a home for her & her...
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I've just paid off my mortgage using the money gained from taking volentary redundancy.The house is in my name, and I've always paid the mortgage & 95% of all outgoings during a 6 year relationship...
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My friend, her husband and their 6month old baby are looking to move out of London but are really unsure of where to move to. Her husband will have to commute into London everyday and they would like...
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I am in the middle of divorce after 3 years separation. We have 3 children under 17 who my husband has never kept regular contact with. When we split he moved in with his girlfriend who had his child....
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I am the resident parent to my 2 year old daughter. My daughters mother has yet another new boyfriend. I have asked her not to allow him around our daughter until she gets to know him better etc etc....
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Do you think this is true that money buys family and friends. if you have no money then you have no family and frinds.
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buy these stupid sequin t.shirts!! Sequins everywhere, washing machine/dryer/floor! Grrrr! lol!
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Does a bugaboo Cameleon fit into the boot of a 2003 renault clio?
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Here is question for all of you ... what came first the egg or the chicken? woman or the mother???

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