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Can anyone help me with a paper I have have to write in class? My arguments have to be pro protective custody laws position and Anti protective custody laws position and i dont know where to begin...
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what percentage raspberry leaf does the tea need to have to be effective for "easy" labour
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Im not pregnant, i have had periods, slightly irregular but none the less periods. I have been feeling something in my left side of my stomach, its like a twitch, but feels the same as a baby kicking...
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Just about to reach the big 4-0 and was wondering if there are any 'older' first time mums out there. I have never thought about having children before but it seems to be taking up more and more of my...
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I'm researching for a new book on pregnancy, which is be written predominately from a man's perspective but taking into account both partners views and feelings. The survey should only take a few...
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There havent really been any new posts here for a while now. Hows everyone doing ..... anyone about to drop?? Aims1202 r u still out there and if so how ya doin ?
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I ovulated 17 days ago and was expecting to come on on Monday. I have done 2 negative pregnancy tests but there is still no sign of a period. I just feel 'normal'. I thought a period always arrived 14...
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Hi, if any of you have been following my posts this week, you will know im having a bad time. now im 2 days late for my period, but have lower dull ache in my back. this feels unsual to me, dont...
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Hi everyone it will be 14 days after conception (if it happened!) tomorrow. Would a test give the correct result or is it still too early? I did a test on Fri that was supposed to work 4 days b4...
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Hi All Quick question about pate? I love love love this stuff and have woken up this mornig seriously craving pate on toast. Whilst i am aware i should avoid pate is there any harm in eating it very...
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hubby and i are trying to start a family, whats your best tips for conception. been trying for a couple of months
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My hubby and I have been trying for a baby for just over 2 years now (I have an 11 year old from my first marriage). My son was my first pregnancy and went without a hitch. Since having my son, I have...
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How soon after my miscarriage can I expect my next period? I lost the baby at 10 weeks on 25th August.
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I heard from my friend at lunch who was having an early scan due to previous problems and she txt saying 'they could not find anything so could be I've got dates wrong and I'm only 4 weeks or I;ve...
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i am 24 weeks pregnant and i am a bit confused about maternity leave. i no that you can have a year off but it is not all paid but i have been told that 9 months is paid is this correct as i thought...
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Went to the hospital the other night and had a trace done cos i'm due a due birth and the MW wanted to know for sure which way bubs was and they couldn't work it out while on the machine the MW asked...
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I am 15 and had an abortion on July 18th. That sunday, I started taking the pill. Today is September 4th and I am on the second pack of pills and still haven't gotten my period. What's going on?
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im just 23weeks you stil cant even tell im pregnant, im still a size 6-8 every where but my belly as i have a tiny bump thats obviously going to grow so i can still wear my size 6-8 jeans but just...
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Some help with a novel i am writing? In this novel my main character gets his girlfriend pregnant they are both 16/17. As i was much older and happily married when my kids came along. i am trying to...
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does anyone have any advice about how i can get my kids more involved in my pregnancy. My oldest son is 9 and my youngest is 5 years old, the 9 year old has adhd and is very emotional at times...

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