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Anyone got any ideas of anything which can help with concieving naturally? I have been off the pill for about 18months and still no luck,is this normal? Any ideas appreciated thanks
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Hi all.... We have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years now and still no luck!!!!!!!!!!!!! have been for my hystro (think thats what its called - where your womb is xrayed using a dye) it showed...
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i come on ere often n read all the pregnancy questions n answers n try to input- there are loads of people who seem to always be on here! when u all due ? and how are your pregnancies goin?
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We dont know what to do. We've just found out we are 5 weeks pregnant. We moved house last Nov and are finding that we are struggling financially more than we expected. We cannot afford to sell due to...
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I have just found out that I am pregnant. I have been having really vivid dreams for a few weeks. Could this be related?
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Hi all. Saw my midwife today to get checked over. I am 11 + 4, my dates are deadly accurarate as i have dye injected on 28th Jan + scan, but midwife says im too big and too high which could indicate...
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With so many of you expectant mums seeming to be due around now, I think its time we had an update on your due dates. To all those who are just finding expecting, feel free to add your dates too :)
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Been to see physio today and was told that my SPD means that I may have problems giving birth naturally as I can only open my legs to 40cm (my pain threshold in labour position). She gave me other...
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Hi all!!! Oh my word! what a journey. Just writing quickly to say that all is well. after 82 hours of labour i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, 7lb 10oz who we have named Isobel on Monday evening...
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Hello! I assume this is the right category and I'd really appreciate some advice please as I'm getting myself quite worried. I have posted on AB before about my lack of sex drive and I finally decided...
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Morning ladies, how are you all feeling today? I just got back from my 40week appt (Happy Due Date to me!). I am obviously providing too good a home to mini-nat because s/he still showing no signs of...
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Firstly ... congrats to all you expectant mums and dads! Must be very exciting (and maybe a wee bit scary for some?) I don't have any children myself :-( but i really need your help with the following...
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Hello again ladies, I am currently sat in my lounge while my little angel is having her first solo sleep upstairs...I don't like it!!!! but we've not had a good night's sleep since we came home and...
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I have been meaning to post something since I found out I was pregnant, seems like a great community spirit of ideas and comments on pregnancy here! But now I have just started my 20th week I knew I...
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I haven't been on here for a few days and was hoping for some bundles of joy! Any news or developments from the bumps???? Hope you're all keeping well.... baby's engaging.... waters breaking LOL! x x...
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some of you may remember i posted a couple of weeks ago that my daughter was measuring small for her weeks, well she had a scan and has been to see the specialist who says that she doesnt have much...
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Sorry I havent been on for ages, it's bloody hard work all this baby! I will come on here again soon and chat, just wanted to say I hope your all well. Has Nat had hers yet?, I havent...
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Hi all, hope you are all well. I have no idea what to do about this so any advice or explanations would be great - I'm 31 weeks, and had my 3rd scan this morning to check the baby's heart coz I was...
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does anyone know of a site that tells you the approx weight your baby should be during the nine months pregnancy please
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Book a C section on same day, and we can have lots of AB babies :-)

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