ChatterBank4 mins ago
i need some answers if anyone can help 17 first of al.. ermm i came off my period on the 19th of august and on the 23rd ive had unprotected sex up til the 26th what are my chances of being...
I have been trying for a baby for the last 2month (roughly), i did a pregnacny test about a month ago(negative), i have now come on my period 1 week late am i pregnant?
all my tops have sauce all down the front and all my trousers have sauce in the lap..... stuffs not even coming out in the wash now! i look like a fat grubber! hmmmph
I have been keeping track of my cycle for the past 3 or 4 months. All the websites I've been on say that based on a 28 day cycle, you ovulate 14 days after the first day of your period. However, my...
My 18 year old daughter is 20 weeks pregnant and having her scan today,she is going to ask if they can tell whether she's having a boy or girl. How many of you expectant mums want to know what gender...
A friend of mine is 7/8 weeks pregnant but is suffering bleeding. It started as spotting but now become more like a period. She went for a scan yesterday but they couldnt really see anything and...
im 7wks pregnantand all seems well,i get mild sickness but im very tired all day long.when i get up in the morning go to toilet and wipe myself i have a coloured distcharge with a tiny bit of...
I am 9 weeks along and am feeling pretty good, no mad cravings yet although I have gone off a lot of food and my appetite has dropped dramatically and I am tending to eat A LOT first thing in the...
What do I need to pack in my hospital bag?
who here can eat something and then feel sick as a dog after it?! yesterday i had a 15 minute stint of having to breath through severe sickness while we were on the motorway. could have stopped and...
Has anyone thought that they might be pregnant just after there period and had to wait a whole month to do a test? Longest month of your life!!!
Hi everyone, I am ten weeks along and am feeling really crap at the moment. Asides from being spotty, sleepy, moody, bloated, (sounds like the seven dwarfs so far!) and sore boobed, also I feel...
I found out I was pregnant yesterday - unplanned but my shock is quickly turning to joy! My doctor's surgery need to know how many weeks I am but I'm unsure. My last 'proper' period was at the end of...
Hello I found out the other day that im 6 wks pregnant. Over the moon as we have been tring for ages. The problem is im really worried that im going to misscarry again! Last october i miscarried, just...
im 6.5 wks pregnant and there is german measles in the area where i 2 kids have had there mmr and im immune to i safe and are my kids safe to mix with other children as the girl...
Not a question mainly a comment... I drop in from time to time when i have time as my baby girl is now 10 weeks old friday there. (going it alone just me an my gal) ITS FLYING BY cant believe it first...
Im 30 weeks pregnant. Me and him have argued a lot lately.....or more that ive got relly upset with him for things hes done or not done and accused him of not seeming to care about me. All he is doing...
Hey all Hope all your pregnancies are going well and you new mum's are all okay. I know I worry about EVERYTHING. I am 20 weeks gone now and whilst I started to get a few flutters here and there in my...
I got pregnant on 4th aug, I therefore assumed i was nearly 4 wks pregnant?? But the nurse said 6 wks?? Thats impossible as i know the night i conceived, does anyone know how they wrk this out? Like...
I have just sat for my entire lunch time crying!!!! Dont really know why.... Has any one else been like this whilst pregnant? P.S I should add, I NEVER cry - not ever! xxx