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Doctors Reception

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carless | 19:40 Mon 24th Jun 2013 | Family & Relationships
72 Answers
Is the new trend, which is being introduced into Doctors surgeries when asking for a appointment, acceptable or even legal? Patients are asked "what is the purpose of your visit"? by the receptionist, who will then decide if you need to see a doctor or a nurse. I would appreciate any comments or views on this matter.


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I don't think it's illegal, but for me it is unacceptable. On the rare occasion that I decide I need to see a doctor, I don't need a receptionist to tell me I don't.
21:50 Mon 24th Jun 2013
That's very odd daisy - scripts ought to be handed in at any time, but can only be given out when the pharmacist is present - that's not a new bit of legislation.
Dodgy area this. Everyone has different medical needs, different quality of 'service' from their local surgery and differing 'medical' knowledge. Each to their own as long as everyone is getting the treatment they need.
...and to be honest, sher, each of us probably goes to a surgery which offers different services to the next one. Not all GP practices are contracted for the same range of services or at the same levels - so what I'd advocate people doing at my surgery might not apply to yours.
OK Jeza, I agree that "stupid" is an emotive word (although it does have a dictionary definition of "indicating lack of understanding").

Perhaps "not always fully knowledgeable" would have been better.
I think our doctors do a good job. Local village 'branch', prescription delivery, etc. They were brill with me when I thought I was dying, got me loads of help. Just don't like one of the doctors (she has issues with how many children I have - not v professional IMO).
When I needed to see a GP urgently regarding my son the receptionist asked the problem. She obviously thought it was urgent enough and said she'd get the doctor to phone me back. He phoned me back 10 minutes later. That has never happened before.
I find our Health Practice almost useless! can ring from 8am, but they never answer till 8.30, and if all appointments are filled by the time you've held for ten minutes, then you have to ring again the next morning and go through it all again, or you can make an advance appointment for in 14 days time!..........It's a joke!........
Probably Dave. I don't know what you do for a living, but imagine taking your car in for repair and the mechanic explains what's wrong in terms you don't understand. When he then tells you you're stupid what would you then say.
If the receptionist isn`t qualified enough to read out my medical test result over the phone (as she always says) then I don`t see how she can be qualified to decide how urgent my medical problem is when I want to make an appointment.
Don't the receptionists have access to everyones notes anyway?
237SJ makes a good point, receptionists are not medically trained, and should never decide whether we need to see our GP or a nurse!....our decision!..........
Yes ummm but they`re not allowed to tell me over the phone. I can, however, go down there and they`ll hand them over on a piece of paper!
Having the notes does not mean they understand them.
At my surgery it is one of the nurses who will ring and tell me the test results.
When I ring my surgery to make an appointment the receptionist always asks "With the doctor or the practise nurse". I am very happy with our surgery. Everyone is polite, cheerful and very helpful.
I suppose it could be anyone over the phone.
Just a thought... You could always ask sqad, save yourself a trip!
Lol Elvis x
They don`t ask for ID ummmm. To be fair, they don`t operate a system of asking you anything when you book - at least they`re consistant. They have a sign outside showing how many patients per month don`t turn up for appoinments and it`s usually about 90. The receptionist was telling me that most of them are people who phone that morning at 0830 for an appointment and then, within hours, decide not to bother. I told her she should flag it in the system and ask them at the next appointment if there was any reason they decided not to show up last time but she just shrugged her shoulders. I think they`ve got their work cut out with some members of the public, that`s for sure.
If the receptionist asks me what's wrong with me, I reply
"Oh, sorry Doctor, I thought I was talking to the receptionist"
Very seldom talk to a receptionist. I can book an appointment with my GP online
I can also book an appointment with a nurse for eg stitch removal by the same method. Would of course phone for an emergency appointment.

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