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Welcome to the Family section where it is OK to air your dirty laundry!

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My Son and his partner split up some years ago, our Grandaughter lives with us as her school is just under a mile from us, it's 8/9 miles from her Mother's house and 12 miles from her Dads, so she... ...
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My sister is included in our elderly mothers will, unfortunately my sister is seriously I'll and will die soon so what will happen to her share when our mother dies
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I've been invited out to my friends birthday tomorrow bit I got work 9-4  Wednesday and was going to change my shift. Should I change my shift and go?
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I've been friends with her for the past 14 years, and I dont recall her acting this way until recently. Like, my sisters friend just gave her a car for free. It's a 2011 Subaru. I thought it was... ...
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My mum thinks so! In fact, it's the longest job I've had - 9 years! I used to temp before that for twenty years and was in and out of temp jobs every month or so. I never thought I'd be in a job... ...
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Its not really a *** up. I was just being lazy,but I'm gonna try in make this as short as I can. I work for a commercial cleaning company. We use bucket less mops, so you pour the solution into... ...
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My friend asked me to go beach this Saturday I said I would but now I don't want to plus I going to leaving do in the evening 
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I am coming on here again, as I often do to ask for the advice/experiences of anyone in or who has been in this situation. One of my grand daughters is in a relationship, that she wants out of. ... ...
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he other day my son was helping me get groceries out of the car, he comes out and flexes his arms telling me how strong he is. I watch him as he proceeds to reach into the car and grab the gallon... ...
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My mom works for the school and she won a BBQr for a raffle. We were told it was in the snack shack on the schools campus. We went to the snack shack. My first concerne was that it was messy.... ...
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What are your personal coping methods for stressful times/things that affect you?   I am really running out of ideas, and I would like some help.   For some scale, I spend hours lying awake each night... ...
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I have been sitting on this all night, and want a second opinion on whether or not this is victim blaming?
So I ride my bike to my obligations each day, and this day I was a little later then when... ...
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My friend and I were very close and about a year ago I was going through very hard times trying to cope with me loosing my father and some work related problems and one day me and my friend had an... ...
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This was in 2013 when we were both 19. I forgot why he brought it up, but he said that the youngest girl he dated was 11. I have no idea how old he was when he dated her. I kind of freaked out on... ...
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This guy I work with he married with 2 girls. We get on really well I feel like I can have a good conversation and have a right laugh about anything also have good banter and lovely day when he is... ...

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