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Food & Drink
Welcome To Food & Drink. Raise a glass to our brave gastronauts, foodies and winos. This is the best place for ideas and suggestions for eating and drinking well.
If you have a good recipe, share it with other AnswerBankers here!...
I think it was your magazine where I found this recipe, but I have lost a bit of the ingredients, can you help me please.
https:/ /twitte andiceB enbow/s tatus/1 0740106 4359281 4592?s= 19...
I have been buying the above on line,but lately several suppliers have run out of stock with no indication of when it will be available again.There are a few but they are well over priced to what I...
Hi all, Would you please consider giving us your opinion in a very short, six-question survey on nutrition? We are hosting this survey on behalf of No Targets Just Routine, creators of Just Routine,...
Enter Further Question Details Here...
Perhaps half a chilli would have been a better decision :-( Thankfully it is just a marinade that is volcanic. I will proceed with caution for the next phase of supper preparations. I hope your...
" a beer or an aperitif now and again,mainly in the tramp juice market.Up here in Glescae it seems to be "buckie",but I prefer the super Aperitif - friend said that to me many years ago - do you want...
Rioja, Chicoa , 1.69 € a bottle ! Really good, if anyone is in Spain....
Hi, All, Does any ABer no of a brand of tinned' Devilled Kidneys' or a maker of kidney flavoured gravy mix? I love devilled kidneys but have trouble buying them ,( lambs kidneys) here in Spain. Any...
Hi Mally - did you enjoy your 3 fish roast from Lidl. Looked for it but couldn't find it. JjCon
We've been to chotto matte in London which is an unlikely fusion restaurant of Japanese and Peruvian cuisine, and actually really enjoyed it, very tasty and interesting..if a bit noisy. Tonight, after...
The best croissants that I have ever had. Sprinkled with icing sugar and with a dollop of dulce de leche under the top flap. Question is - can I freeze them?
Can anyone recommend party venues for hire where you can take your own music on a USB stick or iPhone and they'll play your tracks? They do this at the Driver near Kings Cross but I want to find...
I've just bought one....what a faff! All for one cup of coffee at a time ! Why do they supply a great big water reservoir when the most you can put in it at one time's 200ml + 40ml with the second pod...
I bought some asparagus a few days ago and should have used it up by now, but it has started to sprout really fast- new thinner bits growing up out of the middle of the old bits. Shall I eat it/ cut...
I'm catching up with some old episodes of CDWM. A contestant has just used two plastic drinks bottles to form her sausages! One bottle has the lid removed and the base cut off and is then partially...
Anyone have any codes? thanks
OH and I are staying there on Sunday night and having their Gourmet Sharing Platter. Start the diet again on Monday. Lol. Don't suppose any ABers have eaten/stayed there? It gets plenty of good...
Mmmmmm anyone remember them?
Penguin biscuts with a choc and white choc dip? Was in a red tub?
I loved them!! No idea why they just popped in to my head! Mmmmm...
As per my previous post, i have a load of mackerel and been thinking what to do with it. i once went to my friend's house, and they were just finishing what they called'mackerel curry'. It was in a...