Society & Culture8 mins ago
When we were in Sardinia we were given a dark brown after dinner drink which was delicious!! Does anyone know what it's called & where I can buy it in the UK?
For many years I have made espresso by using My Russell Hobbs espresso maker, but it has never given me this so called Creme on top that you get in Coffee shops. I always make sure it is tamped down...
what is your fave alcohol drink mine is the cocktail skittles you should try it it tastes like the sweets...
Why buy expensive Pink Shampoo when all one has to do is to take a run of the mill type add a few drops of Raspberry juice or Grenadine plus a dash of Cointreau and of course a few drops of Angostura...
do white have a sell by date
Does anyone remember the little tins of Cremola Foam powder which you used to mix with water to make a yummy drink? Must be about 20 years since I've seen it, but would love to get it again.
When can I get this ..? any ideas
I am proposing to make a couple of Bellinis using Archers schapps and Champagne and adding a slice of peach in each.Is this recipe OK........I've found many confusing ones on the internet so I hope...
where can i buy HONEY AND RUM from please
I recently bought a bottle of diet coke from a local takeaway, the bottle was a coke a cola brand but it was a Spanish bottle. The coke was flat and when I looked for the sell by date I found a date...
drink made from coffee and southern comfort and us state
Can anyone advise a teesside supplier of this ginger drink
i,m looking for bottles of lager called gold beer can you help
Imagine my delight when my sis brought me a carton of my fav childhood drink, Um bongo. But imagine my disgust when i tasted it and it does NOT taste like the Um bongo i remember! How rubbish! Also it...
Hello!!! I was just wondering if anyone remembers a drink called Kia-ora? It was bright blue in colour and tasted like tropical fruits I think!! I used to drink it when I was a kid and would love to...
Anyone seen kia ora sold anywhere
how do you get the cream to settle and not just mix in with the coffee? Its driving me to distraction!
Does any one know why Apple Lucozade is clear?? A friend asked me this last night and I really didn't know. Thanks
where can i buy this in the uk, apart from at the duty free outlets at airports?
can any1 please help,i would like 2 know what the music was called in the mateus rose advert in the 1970s.