When we were in Sardinia we were given a dark brown after dinner drink which was delicious!! Does anyone know what it's called & where I can buy it in the UK?
For many years I have made espresso by using My Russell Hobbs espresso maker, but it has never given me this so called Creme on top that you get in Coffee shops. I always make sure it is tamped down...
Why buy expensive Pink Shampoo when all one has to do is to take a run of the mill type add a few drops of Raspberry juice or Grenadine plus a dash of Cointreau and of course a few drops of Angostura...
Does anyone remember the little tins of Cremola Foam powder which you used to mix with water to make a yummy drink? Must be about 20 years since I've seen it, but would love to get it again.
I am proposing to make a couple of Bellinis using Archers schapps and Champagne and adding a slice of peach in each.Is this recipe OK........I've found many confusing ones on the internet so I hope...
I recently bought a bottle of diet coke from a local takeaway, the bottle was a coke a cola brand but it was a Spanish bottle. The coke was flat and when I looked for the sell by date I found a date...
Imagine my delight when my sis brought me a carton of my fav childhood drink, Um bongo. But imagine my disgust when i tasted it and it does NOT taste like the Um bongo i remember! How rubbish! Also it...
Hello!!! I was just wondering if anyone remembers a drink called Kia-ora? It was bright blue in colour and tasted like tropical fruits I think!! I used to drink it when I was a kid and would love to...