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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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I've sold my new slow cooker, just couldn't cope with it! Had to get up early to prepare the meat, or as shaney is douing, wait up to prepare it yet again., I like fast things, so am sticking to my pressure cooker, which makes lovely stews!!
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That's bizarre Neti, i sling mine in at lunchtime and its ready at dinnertime.
Just finished watching wpc 56, very nice, how did they manage with just a whistle?

Off to sleep, oight oight all you lovverly people x
I've done me meat .Chucked it all in .It can now sozzle .
Yes it was nice Neti .Perhaps they'll do another series ,there were a few loose ends .
My brother joined the force in the early fifties .PC 26
He not only had a whistle ,he had a push bike !
I'm not tired now ,so am having a snifter .
Oight Oight .Sleep toight .
Morning all
Still cold and blasting a gale .No snow though .
I was thinking earlier that it wasn't all that long ago ,five maybe six years ,that we had snow at Easter and Easter fell in middle to late April at the time .
Hope you are all Ok this morning .
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good morning all, all quiet and snoozy here. Its deffo an advantage having dogs who hate bad weather.
shaney, when we lived in Somerset, it snowed in June one year. My Mil and I were doing the bar at a wedding reception at the church hall (Mil and Fil kept the local pub) The groom phoned ahead and requested mulled wine for the guests on arrival so we quickly brewed some up. I had on a sumer dress and strappy sandals, we had driven over from Wells, it had been a nice sunny day there, got out of the car in the pub carpark up to my ankles in snow!!
Good a'noon...I'm a bit late today, I got distracted by the Next's all rubbish but my trigger finger's been at it again and several regular priced items seem to have fallen into my basket. Oh submit or not submit....?

Snow, snow and it's still snowing, it hasn't stopped all day yet. Some of it was shrinking though so it doesn't look to be getting deeper. The problem will come when it freezes tonight. I've got food in so I won't be going any further than the bird table.
I don't think Tarquin will mind me posting this, it's off his fb page's the view from their house taken very early this morning (from upstairs or the attic I presume, he's tall but not that tall :)
afternoon all, been food shopping had brekkie with Mr N in a bar, unpacked shopping, hot washed Mr N's work clothes (my undies came out grey!) rewashed undies with bleach, ok now. Had coffee with hija and bought her a gold sequinny bustier for her birthday and bought myself a black bead and diamondish choker necklace, I just loved it so much it was only 2€ (cos they did not have a clue in the shop) will probably never wear it. Have cleared dining room table yay, it's all poked here, there and everywhere.

Rather grey day here, going to rain I suspect.

Lovely piccy Robinia, but guess you are all mightily fed up with all the white stuff.
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That's a lovely picture Robi. I would kill for some nice clean snow, the mud here in the south is appalling. We are on clay here so when it dries it goes to fine horrible dust.
It does look lovely...T went running in it after he'd taken that pic (crazy!) and said it was all beautiful virgin snow, much of it knee deep and some drifts up to his waist!
Good mornin Biddyfriends..... it is. I did manage to get to the hairdressers this morning then I nipped to Dunelm down the road to get a lamp shade which when, I got home turned out to be faulty. I'm fed up with things going wrong round here in the last few days. The corner shelf in my low-down kitchen cupboard, (the type that pulls out so you can get at the back), fell out yesterday and I had a struggle putting everything together again.
That's a lovely photo Robi. Sad lives out in the country and takes fome good photos but then in the next breath tells me he hates the weather.. I think it's because he can't play golf.
I went in the Next Home shop the other day... I could spend a fortune in there. I ended up with a toilet brush.I hate plastic ones and this one wasn't so I bought it. I'm not telling you how much it was but I'm never going to throw it away!
That is lovely jude, would love to make snow angels there.

Just lit the fire it is getting very dark and have the clothes drying in the tumble drier!
Lovely pic Jude! The thing about loo brushes is no matter what the outside is made of or whatever the price, they're all the same useless brush inside.

I've gone from looking at sandals (!) to proper outdoor waterproof jackets. I keep saying I'm going to buy a good one that'll last me til I fall off me perch...I like these Craghopper ones (anyone recommend them?)...the first two on the top row and first one on the second row...
You'd look good in any of those jackets Robi. I wouldn't mind one. can anyone tell me what these lines in the snow are. These are outside a friends house and I had the same this morning outside mine. They are dead straight and not in any sequence.
sheesh, you people are under the weather, aren't you. Shaney, I remember that, it must have been about five years ago; not only did it snow in April, it did it again in October. (Well, October 31, I think it was.) That would have to be the shortest springsummerautumn I've ever seen.

Fortunately the sun is just coming up here and it looks like another nice day. Essex sis (the former Sydney sis) turned up last night for dinner. They seem to tour the world a lot, though considering they have both lost their jobs, which must be a bit stressful six months into their marriage, I'm not sure how they're doing it.
Hi jno, I am not under the weather, I wish I were!

No idea jude, very strange, maybe a yeti bird?

Yes Robi you would look good in any of those jackets, I would look awful!

Hija has just made a delicious dinner, it was thin slices of pork grilled with goats cheese, two type of green beans sauteed with parsley and garlic and soy sauce and a touch of sugar, and a dauphinois potato but she didn't know how to make a white sauce so she diluted some spray cream and mixed butter and flour and cheese and it was lovely, I am stuffed, love not cooking!!! and no washing up either. Just had a deep hot bath and am now in bed. Don't think I will ever want to party again, this is the life!!!
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such a lot to comment on....I would much prefer the white stuff to the black stuff Neti, just fed up with mud....posh coat Robi. I am looking for a light spring jacket but the fitted stuff doesn't suit me. Jude I do the opposite,,,there are three loos in the house so i buy the cheapest loo brushes I can find and replace them every year or when they look manky.

I reckon the footprints are very skinny aliens.
I'm still roaming about .Can't get to sleep .
Have come down to make hot milk .That freezing wind is still howling around .Mind you we musn't complain apart from a bit of a blizzard this afternoon we've had no snow .Well no snow that stuck .Unlike you Derbys girls .That's a lovely picture Robinia but I don't envy you and hope both you and Jude are warm and dry .
I reckon that picture is where Robinia was chasing after the milkman Jude :)
I do envy you though Jno and hope you bring some warm sunny weather with you when you get back .
Lovely jackets .I like them all !
I only buy very cheap loo brushes in Wilkies for our two loos and chuck 'em away when they're no longer fit .
Oh well ..I'll go and see if I get some kip ...hopefully. Oight Oight ,sleep toight
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I am awake. I wish I wasn't.

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