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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Good whateveritis...funny day, some very big flakes of snow first thing, then brighter, now it's just dull.

Errr, thanks for the info shaney (rofl), I guess I'll have to take a couple of phensics and carry on clicking but I've now moved on to ailment no. 377, soup shopper's shoulder. I might need to double the medication and swallow with a glass of wincarnis.
It took all the reserves I had to get out of the door but my taters had gone rooty and my cheese was toast-less, I'm fed up of feeling crip. I wish I could cover that much ground Jude!

Good news neti's daughter...don't they do scans for women with implants? If they'd been more freely available in my younger years I might just have had them I'm glad I didn't, what the hell, love me, love my fun size bazooms. I would consider reconstruction though should the worst happen...bloody enormous ones to make up for the rapidly decline in other areas... lol

woofy I used to make Macpoodle his own toast every morning....hope you feel better soon.
Woofy, I don't ebay, it's a local FB page for the island, and we meet to collect pay for the item, it's in my blood now!!!
Hello all
Really drizzly mizzly day .Enough to make you have ailment number 378 .
Which is cbaitis.
Have had to hang about for the man to come for the boiler service .
Otherwise it's all very unexciting at Shaneytowers .
Hope everyone is Ok though .
Hope your tum settles soon Woofy .I used to make Shaney a slice of toast for breakfast .He liked apricot jam on it .He liked egg and bacon better though . And he loved a saucer of tea :)
Looking forward to watching "The syndicate" tonight!
Hija has made lentil stew with sobrasada sausage and pots, oh yummy!!!
Am stuffed, ate a whole bowl of lentils, and then a bowl of viennetta ice cream with strawberries and caramel sauce. It is father's day here and hija has given Mr N his boots, he was pleased.
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our neti's gone all poetic!!
Hi all quite busy again today. Dentist, Tai chi, 'Ladies what lunch', Sainsburys. Everything was fine except my experience at the dentist. Nothing to do with the dentist's treatment that was fine and I have to go back in December. The 'thing' was I got there before they opened 8.55 my app. was 9.00. I got in a few minutes later and sat down filling the form they always give you. 4 more people came in. 9.10 the nurse came out and called a man in. Then he went and at 9.20 she came out again and called a lady in. I by then was wondering if I was invisible. I went to the desk and said my app. was for 9.00. She said oh yes I'm sorry it's me I've been moving people around. I said I was first through the door. You let me in. I was next in at 9.35 Anyway I calmed down and said when the dentist apologised as well......worse things happen at sea don't they... 'm a pushover for a good looking man.
That's my moan for the day.
Your lentil stew and dessert sounds lovely Neti.

Oight Oight everyone. See yer later 'gater(s)
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But that's weird Jude, why was she shuffling people around with you sat there?
I love lentils but sadly they don't love me.....nothing seems to love me at the moment. I don't feel ill, its just so blooming inconvenient. Anyway we did go out today to get easter things for my great nieces and their parents. They are over visiting my sis (middle sis, not the one who loves my dogs) at easter. Middle sis still works as a midwife so I don't see so much of her, we text and phone a lot though.
Its funny that you should mention caramel sauce Neti, i've got a real craving for it at the moment, its delicious on toast.
well, a bit cooler here, but no snow anywhere at all peers nervously over shoulder. Can't say I've achieved anything much today except for visiting a grave that turned out to be unmarked, but that's genealogy for you. I hope your weather gets round to warmng up a bit - in about two weeks' time would be perfect, thanks.
hmmm, I am starting to get a sore tooth. There is no hiding place, the anti-tooth fairy can track me to the corners of the earth. Time to look for a dentist methinks. Not right this instant, it is half past nine at night, but tomorrow, probably when I have got back from the doctor.
Morning all.

Don't mention teeth to me, my root canal one is hurting like mad, but after costing me 400€ I refuse to pay anymore for it, rip-off, so I take 600mgs and all's well, what a swizz! Next time I will buy an new phone instead! I like new phones.

Nearly 10am and I am still in bed, first day of spring and all that malarky! Have just opened the shutters, wow bright sunlight! Right off for my toast and a cuppa.

Hope all biddies are fine.

That is bad jude, always seems to happen to me in the doctors, I get there on time and quite a few folk go in before me, but it turns out he is running late. They put 3 appointments in 15 mins and I am always the last one of the 15 mins !!
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Am beginning to think that fate has it in for me. Last night there were foxes yelling round the garden front and back and Rab spent the night in a state of ecstatic hunting, no sleep for any of us till gone 2. Bless him he's so happy and feels so important I can't be as cross as I should be.
Woofy can't you just leave him to get on with his hunting?

....and I'm dying to know, did you find another dubonnet that was tasty??
Morning all... snowing hard here, apparently it's the coldest March for 50 years... and this time last year there was a 'heatwave', I can't really remember.
I'm just soooo fed up of feeling so lousy...but, as a farmer said on the radio this morning, things always change eventually and it comes good. Actually he meant the weather but I'd like to apply it to everything at the moment.

Jude they're always faffing about at the dentist, I think 60-70% of my appointments have been changed. The worst one was when they rang to say my appointment would have to be postponed unless I'd like to fill in a cancellation that day, within the hour in fact. So I rushed off, arrived in time and then sat 45 mins waiting to go in! I was livid. It's my theory that every now and then they get a big private job and all of us nhs patients get buggered about.
Hope you find a good dentist jno...let us know and we'll all come.

woofy do the boys bark at night? do your neighbours complain?

I enjoyed The Syndicate last night.
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They whine occasionally but hunting is so serious, it has to be done in total silence lol. They do bark at the fence when they hear people out in the garden at this time of year as they aren't used to it after winter. I don't allow it and they soon get used to the idea.
Neti I could leave him to hunt if I wanted to leave the garden door open all night and have him come up to the bedroom several times to put mud all over the bed and tell me how much he is enjoying himself (eye roll). Its easier just to wait up until he has got it out of his system and sleep in the next day. To be fair, the foxes were really noisy last night I bet the neighbours were all woken too.
Neti the end of the Dubonnet story was that i returned the bottle to Tesco and the nice lady said "Oh yes another one" and refunded me without question. I have had one or two (!) bottles since then and it tastes fine.
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robi, its nice to hear a farmer not moan! I am wondering what to do about the tortoises who should be waking soon, bit there is no movement from the boxes so I will do some wait and see.
lol woofy, it does seem the farmers are always moaning but he was being very philowatsit about the weather. He said the cows went out on April 1st last year and as long as they're out by the 21st he'll be ok....he's only about 3 miles away as the crow flies, so if he's optimistic there's hope for us all.
It's stopped snowing....for now.
I nearly forgot...JUDE! did you watch Holby last night? Have you been writing the scripts? They said 'mizmog'! hahaha (the drama queen guy, sitting by his mum's bed)

Well, feeling lousy or not I really should start doing some clearing and sorting in this place.
Hi all! Woofy I think that woman yesterday was half asleep! Not opening the door until dead on 9.00 was the first sign.
We get foxes now and again coming through the Close. Usually it's the female I think in the mating season 'screeching' like they do.
Another performance today. Boiler man came and serviced my boiler then informed he had to ring the emergency gas cos something to do with the pressure. So everything went off until he came and put a new part on the metre. Luckily he arrived here in 10 minutes and sorted it. All I have to do now is wait for the boiler man to come back and put the front on it properly and pay him. Then that's done for another year.
Also the workmen have come to fill the pot-holes in the Close. Believe me there are 9 marked holes, honestly. When they arrived this a.m. there was 1 white van one massive yellow 'tanker' type lorry and one yellow digger machine. They asked me to move my car then they proceeded to dig over the largest hole which was round a grate. That is now flattened and levelled ready for the filler so is now a large 'equalateral' pot-hole. They (5) and their vehicles have now disappeared and all that's left is a roadworks notice on the entrance.
I think we may go to the same dentist Robi. I sometimes wish I hadn't changed even though my other one was the other side of Derby. Hope you feel better soon and the weather brightens up for us all.
May neighbour has a dog which I hear barking occasionally which I don't mind at all. The only thing that bothers me is that I never ever see them take it for a walk. It's a Stafforshire Bull Terrier and friendly (well, with me anyway). It's the young woman with the son who is now 18.
Off ow. Have school to go to in a bit. Laters 'gaters

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