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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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and I am sleepy and wish I wasn't as it is only half past six in the evening. Another lovely day but I was awake half the night. We are going on another short trip to see friends and relations tomorrow, just for a couple of days before I return for Root Canal Part Deux.
Good morning , what was going on with you biddies last night? Up and down. I slept very well.

Good luck with the dentist jno, I am resolved never to visit one again as long as I live. In fact I saw mine in the street yesterday playing with her baby, and I hid!

Britain does seem to be rather cold at the moment, sorry but it's quite nice here!

Hope you are all Ok and catching up of the sleep.
The sun is out, the sky is blue
There's not a biddy to spoil my view
and I'm lonely, lonely in here!!
lobs a snowball at neti

Morning...Another 3 inches of the white stuff here, I didn't know where to start when I went out to feed the birds.
I'll have a think about your mystery Jude.
Poor Robi, I guess you are totally fed up with the white stuff now. I hope you take care when out as stick people can snap if they fall over. And for Heavens sake jude, you take care too!
I'm past caring neti...'tis the mood I'm in at the moment
I am now getting up as we are all going out to ibiza Town, it is a city really. Oh what an exciting life I lead!

Laters >>>>>
Hello all
Hope you are all Ok and keeping warm .It's still freezing cold here with that blasted wind still howling but we haven't got any snow as yet.
I feel sorry for those that do though ,having looked at the total chaos it's causing on the news earlier .
I feel as if I've been trampled over by a herd of elephants after a really restless night .
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no snow here but very cold and a difficult night. heigh ho. We have just been into town to stock up on cinnamon buns at ikea and do a bit of cruising around but it was so cold I couldn't leave the dogs in the car for long so i just scooted around marks and hotel chocolat and came home again
Back from a rather warm Ibiza, had a lovely lunch and a bottle of ole vino blanco (hic), now back in bed cos Mr N wants the tv and he is very tired, am getting worried about him, he's been working very hard and again this am. We lost the parked car as all the roads look the same but they found it, I am useless, have no sense of direction!!

Watching "Goodnight sweetheart" as I've never seen it and have downloaded it.,
Just wore jeans and a cotton shirt and we sat outside, twas lovely, now no getting jealous!!
neti, pop these on....and then try to tell us about your chuffin weather
It's nice and warm here too Neti ...
Probably because I have a thermal vest on ,a great big thick polo necked jumper ,socks ,jeans and ugg boots and ....if it gets much colder I'll put a hat on
Even the birds have got their winter woollies on

Long thick woolly tights up to my minimal bust. 2 thick woolly jumpers, one polo neck, nearly down to my knees and fed up with the snow. Not like me at all as I really like the seasons of this country. What's up with me!!!??
Am on hja's computer as mine has suddenly gone weird and won't do anything and wants to restore itsef but won't actually do anything, hope it mends itself too. Had a lovely doze, and just starting to watch more of Gary Sparrow when it all went haywire, grrr.

Waiting patiently for corrie at 8pm (here)
It's Foyles War for me tonight. I used to like it. So I'll have another look at the new series.
I think there's something on BBC about a young girl in the Police Force years ago. That may be good as well. It's not like me to watch all this telly.

Oight Oight everyone see you tomorrow...
my damn silly computer, I've had to do all sorts with it, and re establish it, and am now reinstalling all my things! Why have they made things so much harder??
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I liked Foyles war, it had real people in it. Soooo cold here. Oight oight
Foyles War was really good .
Still howling wind and too cold to sit about down here in this draught blasting down the chimney so am orf to bed .
Just need to check my bedtime bag ..
hot water bottle
bottle of water
tin of sdns
woolly hat
Stay safe and warm folks and Oight Oight .

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