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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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My neighbour's dog barks non-stop all day when they are not there and they work from 7am till midnight so you can imagine. She usually puts a cover across the rails of the balcony so he can't see me, but she taken it down now and he's dreadful all day., still has his ba**s, which is half the trouble I think, also he is on the balcony (albeit quite a big one) all day and they let it go on it's own for a run in the pm, totally unfair. He is supposedly a guard dog, but only barks at me and the cats, he can't get to anyone and they have been merrily burgled several times and he hasn't made a peep!!!
That would drive me nuts Neti. Can't you have a word them? I feel I would have to.
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well Jude, not saying its the same, but the neighbours here never see me take mine out. I am out while the sparrows are still dreaming and home again by between 05.30 and 06.00. I got into the habit when DH was ill because of taking them out on my own and because it fitted best into the day. There's no one else around so the dogs can run to their hearts content and in the summer its cool so they always get a good run. I think its safer too because it would need to be a really determined madman to wait around in a carpark on the off chance that someone might turn up at that time.
Jude I have had a word for the last 15 yrs, I even sugggested they bought a non bark collar, they did, but only put it on when they were home, he never barks when they are home. I will say something soon cos we want to sunbathe and he'll be bARKING at me!!

No woofy these never take theirs out for a walk, he is let loose every afternoon about 4, and he bites!!!
Hello folks
Freezing cold here .
Thats such a shame for the poor dog Neti .No wonder he barks all the time ,he must be bored stiff stuck on a balcony all day .

Hope everyone is Ok and sorry to hear of dental and teeth dramas . Nothing worse than turning up well in time and others go in front .We've had that at the hospital .
As for turning up on time i think the buses round here are becoming a figment of my imagination .I toddled into town earlier ( from boredom really) and got a few bits ,bread for Mr S and had a look round M&S and the local department store and waited forty minutes to get a bus home ,which then sailed past my stop in spite of me ringing the bell .Tut .
I was frozen solid when I got in and had to have a laced cuppa .
They've got some really nice summer bags in though ( Tula) ,but I tottered straight past :)
Aw shaney, that's a nuisance about the bus not stopping.

Yes the poor dog must be terribly bored, I often throw it an old slipper or ball, but they get annoyed with me, the dog (Dax) loves the toys, they are not cruel people, in fact they are very very nice but, like most of the locals on the island, don't consider their pets!!

Mr N has just eaten liver, onions, bacon and tom in a lovely gravy, mash pots and peas and carrots, I had shop bought bbq spare ribs and rustic chips, yum, it was, followed by ice cream and jelly!! Hija disappeared so didn't eat, she is in her room, and there are the lentils to finish!

Anyone see WPC 56, I am enjoying it, although she gets on my nerves!
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poor dog, what a life.....OOOO Tula bags, I love Tula...
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Oight oight's hoping for a fox free night.....
I've flopped on the sofa and watched TV all evening .We had odds and ends for dinner .How very lazy .
I watched the Syndicate ,very good and caught up with that WPC 56.It's quite good .And now it's time for bed .
We used to get lots of urban foxes barking and screaming ( especially round mating time ) in the flood meadow when we were in London Woofy .I've never seen a fox here let alone heard one !
I hope you all have a quiet night ,Oight Oight .
right, I am halfway through root canal treatment, the anaesthetic is wearing off so I am stuffing myself with cocodamols and nurofens and so on. Back next week for more. I saw a nice man called Abeem, very gentle, and charges half what my London-siburban one does, so that'll do me. Plus it's nice and sunny, no snow, no foxes, and nobody barking at me when I try to sunbathe. (Though I thought I heard a horse laugh.)
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Oo jno, don't your teeth enjoy themselves on holiday! We had a good quiet night and have been out!!!! It was cold but pleasant and the dogs loved it AND it was daylight (well dawn) as we got back to the car!!! Spring must be on its way!
Anyway i have just had a crab and dill paste sandwich and a juice box for first breakfast....oight oight all.
Good morning, wow some of you are early birds!

Mousey woke me up after I had been asleep for an hour and then I just could not go back to sleep, I just lay here and thought things. My pj's were twisted and uncomfy, the bedding was uncomfy, Mr N was sleeping. I was on the point of getting up for a coffee but couldn't quite do it, I obviously did fall asleep again.

Must get up in a min, the sun is shining and it is quite warm.

Morning all...even I'm here early, I couldn't sleep either. I nodded off when I went to bed but after probably less than an hour my body decided it would be a better idea to be awake and worrying all night. I think I had another hour between 3 and 4. Yes woofy, I can vouch for it being light early and the crows like to greet the morning in their own special raucous way, grrrr. Thankfully the foxes are quiet recently but I know they're around, they keep leaving me mementos.

Not sure we'll run to handbags now they're putting 10p on our wincarnis shaney...since when did anything[i go up by 10p??!!

[i]waves sleepily to jno] ...think of us in the blizzards for the next couple of days...
Oh Robi, I did think of you when I couldn't sleep last night!
aww neti, I thought of you about an hour ago when I dibbed into the peg basket and brought out............a matching pair!

The milkman's just been and I asked him to leave me 6 freelance eggs tomorrow...haha, I really am soooo tired.

Afternoon all
It's lovely here ,really lovely sunshine but freezing cold !
Horrible when you can't sleep .I had a fairly good kip last night but that was due to Ibruprofen .
Hope you are all Ok otherwise .
I'm going to watch some catch up for an hour or so as I'm all behind with my tv progs .
You like Nurse Jackie Robinia .Edie Falco is on the US version of Who do you think you are.I love her as Carmela in the Sopranos .
I've never seen the Sopranos shaney but I did like Nurse Jackie...very gritty and not for the easily offended, lol.

I've been rummaging in me drawers and unfortunately my 'rare' Arabic coin and commemorative crowns ain't worth a deal....tut. No holiday apartment by the sea for me then.
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Hello all, raining again here but not as bad as forecast. guess what?? I can see the top of my dining room table!!!! Its been more than a year since I last saw it because the dining room is the dumping place while things get sorted. I finally feel that I might be getting somewhere....the garage is full of junk again but we won't talk about that. Its mostly cardboard and the boxes that the junk was packed in, I haven't been able to put any out with the rubbish for a while because its been so wet and it doesn't seem fair to the bin men to expect them to deal with soaked cardboard.
I am going round for coffee and a gossip with my friend later.
Lol Robinia ..the Sopranos is a bit gritty too. Very gritty in fact :)She was really good as Nurse Jackie. She's won lots of Emmys .I didn't watch it after all as got side tracked by the A of C enthronement which was a bit happy clappy .At this rate I'll be catching up on my catch up and meeting myself coming back .
I'd better rattle some pans .
My table is a bit like that Woofy ..I just shove everything up one end.
I always used to have a tablecloth but I abandoned that years ago and only get one out for high days and holidays .
Hi Biddyfriends. I've had a good time today. I've been to Live at Lunch at the Theatre Royal Nottingham. In the circle bar. There was a Jazz quartet on and they were brilliant. They played classics like A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square and Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered. The young woan singing had just the right tpe of voice. and there was a pianist, sax player and double bass. Brilliant. Then we went to the Pierre Bistro for lunch. I think the diet went to pot!! on brown bread and wate for the next 2 days :)
I hope you have a better night Robi. I think I might be ok I was up at 6 hoping the boiler man was going to come back and finish the job. Like putting the cover back on my boiler and collecting his cash for the job. He didn't come o he can't be desperate for the cash.
I'm off now see yer laters 'gater(s)

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