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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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it goes up in a mist Neti, its more like breathing in a steamy room
Oight Oight folks sleep toight.
Endeavour was good .
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Yes I thought so too. Oight oight
Good Morning!

Didn't know this re: Maggie Smith:

During the years of 2007-2011, Maggie Smith continued to film the final Harry Potter movies, all while battling breast cancer. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince, she had shingles and was forced to wear a wig in order to continue filming.

On the subject, Smith said, “If there’s work to do I’ll do it. I’ve still got to stagger through the last Harry Potter. The cancer was hideous. It takes the wind out of your sails and I don’t know what the future holds, if anything"
I do like her.
I was in the middle of Endeavour but it was very long, so I switched to The Village, which is quite strange. Maybe it's because I cannot hear it too well. I will catch up with Endeavour.

Lovely sunny morning here, Mr N has gone to see how much of our English saving the Spanish want to steal! He won't be happy. Even in my dreams I am forgetting things, for some reason I needed my sister's phone number and was asking in a handbag stall (£2.50 per bag "for occasions") they didn't know it and the computer screen had been stolen from the race track that I also asked in !! Now I am awake I still cannot remember it!!!
Morning each...mild, sunny and windy again.

I didn't know that either neti, I don't read much celebrity gossip. Well done Maggie.
I just couldn't keep my eyes open to watch Endeavour so I went to bed. I'd have liked to see a repeat of the pilot first, I've got the memory of a goldfish when it comes to tv stuff.

I find sterimar temporarily soothing but it doesn't work miracles for me.
Good morning All. It's a lovely day but still quite windy but not cold. Washing out on the line and drying nicely.
I hope you get well soon Jno. Touch wood I haven't had a bad cold this winter.
Off now to sort my fencing out.....myself ! :(
Have a good day all.
Jude email me if you get stuck, I might know a man who can help...he'll want paying but not a lot! :)
Morning all
It was a lovely morning but it's clouded up now .Typical as I'm going to get my locks shorn shortly ,it'll probably rain .
Hope you are all Ok today and coughs and colds are getting better.
I knew that about Maggie Smith Neti .It's on her Wiki page .I love anything she's in .
Have a good day folks.
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Good morning all....I gave up on the Village, not just strange but sooooo depressing, despite the lovely trailer music.
Robi, the Endeavour pilot might still be on catch up, they showed it again over Easter.
The trick with Sterimar I have found is to use loads more than you think you need.
Cold is going fast this time, hallelujah!!
Yes i like Maggie Smith, so "British"
I am going to O2 today to sort out a problem with my ipad, ipad is fine but I have a data subscription with them that won't show me the details on ipad. I am not looking forward to it as my experience is that O2 is staffed by idiots and people who failed the idiot test but their data package is the best for cost and coverage.
jno, when you have sorted your fence, you can come and replace my gate!!
Hello Lottie if you are looking in x
Right we are all checkmed in except for jno! Hope the old gal is OK!!

I am fed up with stray cats walking into my front room, we have two front doors that open inwards and need them open for light and breeze, so I have bought some extendable trellis for 15€ and it fits nicely across the door and we can open and close it to get in and out, am so pleased with myself, now to get some for the back door, blasted cats!!

Absolutely lovely day here, I met friends for coffee on the seafront, was so nice we had a lovely natter and a laugh.

Yes woofy I might give up on the village, it is boring and takes forever for anything to happen!
Thanks Robi I think I will be contacting you. I'll give Steady a couple more days. He may be a bit busy at the moment. (A Mum making excuses there).
I haven't been lazy today though. I've given my front door and all the surrounding bits and pieces a really good clean and I really chuffed with it. I haven't done it for months.
My washing is dry and all I have now is a bit of ironing.
I really like Maggie Smith especially in The Marigold Hotel(keep watching that one even though I can never remember the full title). She's also in 'Quartet' but I haven't seen that one yet. I think it must be good and will get the DVD when I spot it.
Time for a cuppa now and watching all the starlings taking over my garden. I haven't had a blackbird for ages. Amazing!!!!!Somebody somewhere is listening to me a blackbird has just flown down a few feet from my back door which is open.
Laters 'gaters
A sign or coincidence!! :)
Jude, keep thinking "fence" and it may happen, or on the other hand someone may offer you some dodgy goods!!
It's lovely outside in the sun, bit blowy. I've had a pair of sparras at it on my hedge...tut.... just showing off.

ambles off thinking 'Big Fat Cheque made out to me'.....
Lol Neti !!
You've lost me Robi with the cheque comment!
I'm going on neti's principle (cosmic ordering?) that by thinking about it you can make it happen. Well I think that's what she thinks.
Well I look a bit tidier now and it didn't rain.In fact it's quite warm out there ,people in the High St in shirtsleeves and T shirts .
Lol .I kept thinking cream cake ,cream cake ,all the way round Morrisons .

I haven't watched The Village from last night yet .I'll stick with it though .I think it's been done on the principle of Heimat ( which is brilliant ) and has failed miserably .
I've just texted my hairdresser to make an appointment...I don't want to still be wearing this balaclava in May.
I can't believe it'll soon be time for the swifts & house martins to arrive.

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