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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'s been raining and I have to say it does smell lovely even if it looks dreary.
Hope you feel better soon woofy but please keep it contained in your own four walls, I really don't want anything else. Loved the advice from nurse neti...."woofy you should be resting, you'll make it worse".... ;o)

Neti can you get qvc? They're selling the new Zalza dvd with Flavia Cacace (I love her, she seems so happy and patient) & Russell Grant. It won't be available generally for another 6 months. I'm even thinking of buying it myself (lol)...some of the exercises are gentle and I can always watch it while I have a cuppa and a cstrd trt.
Haha Robi, I am not the size of Russel Grant. I cannot get qvc but may be able to obtain it illegally!
Zalza dvd with Flavia Cacace

Is that sentence Moldavian, by any chance?
I am seriously get fed up, received a cheque today from England for £25 which is 29€, in my name and paid it into ,my bank and they charged me 12€, so got 17€, it is ridiculous!!! Then in the post is a fine for hija for not paying her "circulation" for her car ( road tax basicallY) she doesn't have a car! She sold it in 2009!! I give up, will now have to go to Ibiza town to try to prove that we do not own this car. Can this country get any more greedy and daft?
No jno, it's Piscean :)

Is any country without it's problems? I was chatting on the phone to Ozzy son earlier, life isn't all wine and roses there either...well there might be wine but the roses are all dead, it's been hellishly hot. His foot is healing well.
I sympathise Neti .Mr S used to have his German pension paid into his account there .Transferring the money incurred mucho charges every time .He has it paid here now but it still goes up and down depending on the exchange rates .
Hope you are all ok and those with colds feel better.I had to do a bit zumba with the hoover .And now I'm zumbuggered .Not very cracky here today .Piddling rain on and off .
I put the winter coats away .I'm beginning to wonder if that was wise .
hello. we've reached 666 posts and everyone has vanished

Looks nervously over shoulder
Fear yea not jno for I am returned!!

Made a lovely thai chicken, peanut and pot curry, pad thai noodles and thai rice and hija had a strop, she wanted hamburger! So she trotted off to get one and Mr N and I enjoyed our Thai meal.

Friend's funeral is tomorrow in Jaen, and the friends here have sent a lovely wreath with all their names on it, I think the mother will find it comforting that the girl had so many friends even if she chose not to mix at the end.
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I am here too. Still feel like poo but have done some cleaning and tidying. My joints ache and my head i am not hungover but I am on the wagon tonight and sticking to ginger beer because I like having a functioning liver.
Did I tell you I now have two tortoises? An internet friend of mine couldn't keep hers so asked me if I would take her on. Anyway she came to me in december and went straight into hibernation, so my girl never met her. Yesterday they both woke up and have been checking each other out today. They seem to be quite happy together which is nice, last night they slept next to each other.
My mum had a tortoise here for years, she called it Humphrey until someone told her it was a Henrietta! When we held her in our hand and stroked her head she would pee!!
Yes have lots of soft drinks woofy and get well very soon!
I'm still here too but not for long .Am tired and achey but have a new book so I'm going to go and stretch out ,read and sleep ,hopefully .I'm yawning away but when I get into bed I'll probably be wide awake again .Sods law.
Your meal sounds nice Neti .We had mussels and garlic bread ,with salad.For afters I had some Gaviscon :)
Hope you feel better soon Woofy ,you too Jno.I'm making some Jewish penicillin tomorrow .I'll send some round ,that'll clear your tubes !
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
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I love chicken soup...can I have mine with those little dumplings please?
Course you can Woofy .We're having potato dumplings with it .Not made by me though I hasten to add ,out of a packet. I'm still sitting here ,so much for my early night .
Oight Oight for last night and good morning for today!
I was so tired last night.I just zonked!! Hope you all had a good sleep and you have a good weekend. Going out at 9. 30 to watch my niece play footie. See it's in the family's blood.
Laters 'gaters
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good morning all. weather mild and bright. cold continues. That is the end of the news.
was mild and bright here, now mild and dull; mild and wet predicted for this afternoon. I may go to Tescos.
Morning all...bright at the moment but much rain heading this way apparently. I think the gardens will suddenly start romping away.

oooh lovely, jewish penicillin for me too please...or a piece of lead in my ear, not sure which. I almost went to bed at eight last night, but hung on 'til nine, I was in so much bloomin pain (ribs & across the middle) I didn't know where it was coming from.

I might start drinking baby bio, it's worked for my amarylis/hippeastrum (?). Woofy do you remember being in thread about them a while ago & you said mine might need a rest year....well it didn't, it's had three huge blooms the size of side plates and one more just opening. It's lovely because the old lady who died in Oct bought it for me a year ago.
Good day sunshines!

We arer rather misty here today and it is chilly but the sun is trying to peep through. Hija and I went to the new fairy hotel for a coffee but it doesn't open til 6pm ( v strange!) so we did a tourist thing and stayed in Es Cana with the Spanish oaps who are on a cheap holiday and had an expensive coffee. It's nice when hija behaves.

Mousey woke me up at 5.30 to go out and I then proceeded to worry for England , Spain and beyond, hate it but can't stop it! I eventually fell asleep and then felt rough when we had to go early shopping! Am tired now!

Chicken soup was a fav of my mum's and m-i-l's, and I make it occasionally when I have a carcass left over, I like it thick!

Well Robi am getting worried about you now, you are not your usual bouncy self, think I will have to visit you when I come over! and woofy hope you are resting today as you promised. I think we had all better had a rest day!

any biddies remember above mentioned shoes? I certainly don't, but maybe if I saw a piccy of them.......

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