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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Keep your money under the mattress Neti !
I'll wait now and see how you get on with this contraption Woofy. I'll expect to see you and Jno posting exotic menus in Food and Drink :)
Dunno what it was Robinia .I hadn't opened any rusty tins .All we had was an omelette and salad for dinner and I always wash salad thoroughly Thinking about it I bought a couple of steak slices from the bakers for our midday snack .Perhaps they were the culprit .
It's alright for me but a disaster for Mr S .He's had a stodgy day and it's settled down.
Just watched The Syndicate .Poor Alan .I had a feeling she was a ladyboy .
Oight Oight .
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It (the bug) gets transferred on money, doorknobs, through droplets in the air, loads of places Shaney, A right nuisance for Mr S though. I do love a gadget and loathe cleaning the oven, anyway I have been spring cleaning today so felt I'd earned it.

When i was a child we lived over a small warehouse in a private rental. It was called F and B food products and they (Mr Fletcher and Mr Banks) used to buy cargo surplus cans from ports and British Rail and re sell them. Robi's mention of guess the rusty tin took me back.....sometimes they would open the cases of tins and find no labels, sometimes they would have to sort out what they had bought and pull out and dispose of the "blown" tins.....sounds like something out of a history drama now......
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Oight oight all
I have started coughing again, but that's not bad, I've been cough-free all day till now. So I shall off to bed and torment OH (who is supposed to be up at 6am and will thus welcome a disrupted night). Oight oight all.

just a bit of what we have to go through when applying for anything we need on this island......................
Morning all, I have cancelled all meetings, coffee mornings etc as I am staying in to watch Maggie's funeral, as there is nothing exciting happening in my life!

Robi, I did suggest to Mr N had we hide and divide the money, but they caught all of us out by making the cut off date 31st Dec 2012 for when they are checking it all, so it was way too late for anyone to do anything as we didn't know! If it were under the mattress, it wouldn't be there for long, I would keep going shopping, wouldn't I??

Poor Mr S, hope he is improving, can't be much fun for him especially!
jno meant to ask, as one of you was invited to the Royal Wedding, have any of you been invited to the funeral?
Morning all...dull and chilly here. I've got the funeral on the tele but only 'just in case anything kicks off'. I'm not hoping it does of course, I've got far more important cosmic orders to concentrate on, but I'm half expecting to see my militant hippie cousin marching by with a placard, lol. Actually I doubt he'd spend the travel fare.

neti is that what you get when you apply for anything on Ibiza....'not available'?
It was shaney who told you to hide the money, not me, I'd never suggest such a thing....oh deary me no cough cough
And my favourite tipple?...don't really drink anymore but I'm considering taking it up again. Erm, sweet white wine....and I used to love a cognac/brandy whatever you're supposed to call it. I could do with a splash of it in this actimel.

Ordering a bloody great dose of wellness for everyone...oh, and a book full of blank cheques.
Morning all
Dull day .Mild though .
I think I'll go and have a look at what the great and the good are wearing .
Hope you are all Ok .
Can you order me a new body please Robinia ,preferably one that doesn't ache with a stomach that has an iron constitution and has hair which isn't sticking up :)
well I'll just put 'x 2' next to my body order then shaney....we could end up being identical twins but i'm ok with that if you are.
Hopefully this will work, it really is true to life!
I give up, this damn stupid silly windows 8 doesn't do anything!!!
here you are
It's not quite that bad here (yet) but when I had to deal with a 'desk woman' over the phone she stopped and said' Oh my, you have done your homework haven't you?'. Oh aye, always stay one step ahead where possible.

hahaha, it works on you tube but not on here...I didn't prepare for that one did I?

search youtube for "A slice of Spanish life ;-)"
Thanks Robi, it works ON FB too.
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I've got the funeral on...the music was beautiful and I am very impressed by Richard Chartres address. Isn't it funny how senior clergy often have "suitable" names?
no, I have switched the telly off, neti - we may do royal, but I certainly don't do politicians, mere middle class that they are. Plus guests have arrived for a month, but they have now gone off to do some shopping before coming back here and collapsing with jetlag.
Oh jno and there was I waiting to wave at you!

Yes I actually stayed in this am to watch the funeral, am very impressed with it all.

Hija is making me egg 'n' chips, that's cos I get hungry staying in!
Was it my imagination or did David Bumblebee make a couple of huge gaffes .
Someone threw some flowers onto the road as the gun carriage went along and he said ..."if you remember they did this at Princess Annes funeral" and then again during the service ,he said ,........."this is one of Lady Thatchers favourite films ..err...hymns".
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I have just got into trouble on the funeral thread, I asked a poster if he had known her and the thread erupted as though I had suggested that her detractors should be beheaded.

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