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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Mr N says oh we'll finish off the thai meal tonight, which involves re making most it, as a certain hija who didn't want it, ate most it in the night!
Hello again. I'm so sorry you're feeling really rough Robi. I've absolutely no idea what to advise you except to rest. I'm useless at knowing what medications to use. I just hope you feel a lot better very soon.
You're lucky to have a daughter who'll go for a coffee with you Neti. The last time I went out for a meal with Steady was the Christmas before last when Steadier was up here. Never mind I expect boys are different to girls. He's busy playing golf and going to work so I'm happy that he's happy and got over his marriage break-up.
Woofy, Shaney and Jno - hope it doesn't rain as much as is forecast for you and that you're ok. I think we had a cloudburst last night but this morning it was good and sunny for the football for the girls. They're under 13s and our side won 2 - 0. Fuscia's Grandaughter scored the first goal so she was well happy.
Shaney it's only a couple of weeks to the SOTD final.
Last but not least, Lottie, I hope you're ok and feel you can come back for a chat soon.
I'm off now to do some cleaning up, it looks such a mess here. Everything stops for walking and football here at the moment. :)
See yer later's 'gaters.
only just started drizzling here, Jude, but nothing serious. jno jnr and gf will be calling for dinner tonight as they have gone to the Tate Gallery to see an exhibition, and will then take the train back to Leafy Kent.

However, I did go to Tescos, so my life is not entirely empty. But I forgot to take my Double Points voucher.
Oh I don't know what the hell's wrong with me, probably a fibro flare up. I think I'm due an armful of blood tests soon. This long winter's not been to anyone's benefit, the hospitals are still clogged up apparently.

I saw that question neti but I've never heard of them. I remember often having something like this ...There were red, blue and white ones I think.

Oh and here's the 1950's model now :)

Are you saving your points for a new luxury pile jno?

Goodness me Robi I wore those all my childhood.
Apparently they were called "Joyance"
The rain's arrived here now and The Rams are losing 2 - 0 so my days going downhill....Still I have managed to give upstairs a good clean while listening...
I remember those sandals when I was a little too!
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Clarks shoes were the required summer school uniform where I went until the sixth form where you spent two years and were allowed to wear court shoes.
I was excused wearing them, and the required winter shoes because I had short wide feet (still have) the clarks shop lady wouldn't sell us the uniform shoes because she couldn't find a pair to fit me.

It did rain as much (more) than the forecast and the dogs are a bit fed up. We haven't been anywhere today or yesterday because I felt too rough to drive, bless them they have been good.
Hope tomorrow's a better day for you Woofy.
Oight Oight all Biddyfriends everywhere. Tomorrow's my day with the Sunday Paper Puzzles page and if it's raining like this tomorrow I'll be in all day doing them..
I'm not sure if they were regulation at my school, and one could only wear heels if one had a foot problem - I didn't :-(
lol Robinia, I think I'll go with Ikea's, theirs packs flatter
Morning all, just up and boiling potatos for pot salad (Eng style) as hja and her friends are going on a picnic and they are all supplying some food and the Spanish love pot salad for some reason. Then back to bed wth a cuppa!
Morning all
Misty and mild here .We have no heating on ,now that's a novelty .
We had quite a bit of rain though yesterday.
Sorry to hear you don't feel too good Robinia ,hope you feel better today ,take it easy .I like the picture :) I think most of us had those sandals .
Hope everyone else is Ok and that your cold is easing off today Woofy ,yours too Jno.
Take care all,see you later.

Oh I missed that lovely photo, is that you Robi, it has your face? How sweet you were, and the clothes, aww!
Morning all...oooh errr, it's almost warm outside in the sun, warmer than inside I think. Feels very alien. I'm a bit foggy headed probably not helped by the wild wind and rain waking me up every couple of hours... and then there was crows chorus at 5am.

Yes, that was me at about 3 yrs old, just having a ciggy break from my scullery duties (it's in the hand you can't see).

I might finally get to lop my hydrangea mops off.
I know you did neti but for anyone who didn't see this on Britain's got talent last night - I'd never seen anything like it, it's amazing.... and very sad.
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beautiful and very clever. I feel nearly human today. have just showered and am about to go shopping.
.I never watch BGT ,but that's lovely .Made me well up.
It's brightened up a treat here and I've actually got some washing out on the line for a change .
That was very moving and brilliantly done.

Disaster in the garden.1 of mfence panels has blown down and left my garden open to the public - almost. Have text Steady but no reply as yet, for a little help.

More footie byeee.The season will soon be over. :)
Oh that is good news Jude ...not the fence ,which I hope you can get fixed pdq but the football .I haven't heard the last of yesterdays Norwich game .He's replayed it from MOTD about ten times and then he's on the phone discussing it with Picky :)

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