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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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hello Robi, you weren't there a second ago.
hello woofy...hope you feel better soon. I can't decide whether I'm now full of cold or hayfever.

It's been warm here but cloudy. The birds are singing their heads off and the blackbirds are taking raisins away. They must wonder what happened to the resident fur factory.
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Its cold with me...I have the joint aches and bleurgh. The garden is full of birds here too and the torts have been stuffing their faces,
That little face was extra delicious! In fact the whole meal was lovely, we haven't had a roast for ages. I even used the big main oven, so as the mini oven was free, I made proper yorkshire puddings, very nice indeed, but the kitchen looked like a greasy bomb had hit it, I had to wash up and clear away as hija wouldn't have had a clue where to start, but she is drying up the plates and cutlery. I don't think I'll cook a roast again for a while, the house stinks.
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I've never been fond of lamb...DH hated it so we never ate it. I made home made paella tonight with a jar of cooking mix from marks, It was okay but not nearly as nice as my nephew's recipe which has fish stock and more saffron in it.
I couldn't stand lamb for years, til about the 90's but love it now,

Ah paella, yes a fish stock is essential and over here we all buy a paella spice mix, which gets it just right, this is one dish that dfeo needs salt!
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I leave out the squid and chorizo Yuck....
There's no chorizo in a real paella woofy, I don't mind squid rings in it but here they put lots of chopped up squid and I dislike that. Chicken, pork, some type of fish (yuk) prawns and mussels (which I abhor), onions, peppers, garlic and rice, and that's about it. Lots of people leave out the pork now.
Good morning all. blowy a hooley here and raining, and dark, I will have to run hija in to her work this morning, but normally she'll be able to walk. Not fair starting the day in a new job, soaking wet as an umbrella won't stay up in this weather.

Hope you are all feeling better today.
Morning all.
Not so nice today .Dull and murky but warm and the forecast is for rain later .I suppose that was it yesterday.
Hope you are all Ok and that your cold is easing off Woofy .
Well,I've done a machine of washing ,to peg or not to peg that is the question.
I 'll think on it with another cuppa .
Morning shaney, I am resisting the washing, not that there is much, cos it will have to hang under the porch, and while that is OK, there's not much reason to do it, so I'll wait and see what tomorrow brings!

Just cooked hija scrambled egg and bacon and toast, oj and coffee, not sometjhing I am going to do everyday but must get her off to a good start. I used the last egg and now I want egg and bacon too :-(
Bordid...mild but dull here. Got to amble to the shop, less Mo Farrah, more Mo's grandma.
Stand by neti, they're on their way
Tried to answer on phone half an hour ago - useless, have ordered a new smartphone 2x faster for next week. I just don't care!!

Went for a lovely walk along the seafront, just me and the waves (Not Katrina!), a friend in Newcastle was looking at the SE webcam so we coordinated and I danced and waved at the fountain and she saw me! twasn't difficult as I was the only wally there!!

Sat soaking wet at my fav cafe bar and hija came along, she was only at the hotel for info, so we had another coffee tog and came home.

I had to make do with a bacon butty Robi instead :-(
oooh splashing in the waves, that would be nice and soothing on the old legs. I just made some toast & marmalade, silly move when your throat hurts but I was determined to eat it. Have you ever watched a frog swallow? They gulp and retract their eyes....that was me.
Don't sit too near to me Robi, I do not want another bout of anything.
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good morning all, I am typing this wearing a mask so as not to pass on any computer virusses. Another nice day here and I am feeling slightly human.
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I just had an email from "BT" only it wasn't, telling me that they were closing the old yahoo mail and to "click here" to download new software. The only tiny thing was that it didn't address me by name although it did have my email address. I contacted BT and its a fake so please beware.

not sure if anyone else of us is on BT, but thought I'd give a heads up just in case
yes, I am woofy, thanks for that.

My promenade now, this is where I was pratting about for my friend to see, I realise now that whatever I did she would not have seen me!!!
or maybe not!!

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