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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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what does the newspaper do Neti? I agree about the raw king prawns. I toss the smaller cooked ones in early because they cook down and collapse and "enfishyfy" the stock...yes amazingly this is fast food and pretty healthy too. My nephew does it in the oven but I do it in a frying pan on the cooker top. For the first time in a long time, I have energy today which is lovely.
" A flask and some sarnies??" are you aware that we will be posh, and anyway I bring the tone down enough when I start whistling at Shalin who is the most gorgeous male dancer!!!
No idea what the newspaper does woofy, it just does!

here he is: my Shalin, so gorgeous.
He's rather nice Neti .Perfect eyeliner :)
Thanks very much for the recipe Woofy .I've printed it off .When you say "cup" is this an American cup .Or can I be cheeky and ask for ounces .I've got prawns in the freezer ,chicken too and a bag of mixed chunks of fish so only need to buy a few other ingredients .I've always got peppers knocking about .
Well it turned out a lovely day after all ,not as warm as the last couple of days though .Traipsed to Morrisons where I bumped into the other bridesmaid so we had a coffee in there and a natter and bless her she ran me home with my shopping .
Did any of you watch The Politicians Husband last night .I'm not keen on David Tennant as a rule but it was really good .Just shows how devious these politicos can be .Brilliant .
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I use cup type measures but will go and weigh especially for you....
okay, my generous half a cup is a tad under 4.5 ounces. I always do volume when its rice because twice the volume of liquid to rice makes, for me, failsafe decent rice.
Don't have fit when you see the price of saffron...believe me you do need it and no turmeric won't be the same.....
this bloke on ebay's stuff is excellent quality and a decent price especially if you take advantage of his bulk offer....sorry Neti, its Iranian, not spanish!!
Thanks again Woofy .You're a star. I always get in a muddle with cup measures. I can't work them out .I made a cake once with cup measurements .I ended up with enough mix to make cakes for the street :)
I've got a set of these cups but they're a mystery to me .It's the dry measures and liquid measures I get confused with .Whenever I see a nice recipe and it's cups I stamp my feet and shout at the screen :)

We all use this seasoning, it takes the guess work out, the main thing is to have a tasty stock (which has to be a bit salty). And the meat and rice not the long grain, must sigh when the liquid is added, put liquid in little by little and when absorbed add more. Oh think we'll have one on Sunday now, not that I'll cook it.

When hija was a school, I would often make her a paella for lunch as, yes, it is fastish food.
We never measure any of it though.
Take care not to put too much rice in as it ruins the paella and makes it stodgy.
I'm giving up on cooking...last night I made my cheese sauce lumpy and today I think my chicken portions are a bit off. There was a faint smell about them I didn't like (I'm still snuffly so it could be my sense of smell). I should have frozen them straight away, stupid me, the use by is tomorrow. I'm too paranoid to risk dodgy food.
Hey ho....chs on tst.
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I use long grain and shove it all in at once...I can't do risotto rice at all. I just went to order some of the spice mix but it has tartrazine in it which makes me feel awful.
Shaney that's the neat thing about cup measures and recipes in cup measures, there's no difference between dry and wet, its all done by volume.
Evening each!! Sorry I can't get into the recipe conversation as I am just a basiccook. I do chuck in all sorts of vegetables etc and I enjoy eating very much as you know but I will say all your ideas sound ok so when I come to see you I'll look forward to a sample or 2! :-)

Hi Lottie I hope you have a lovely birthday and you are feeling well.
I would love to see you back on here with us.

I have to go and do some ironing now then all will be tidy before tomorrow. I am off to Lincoln with Fuschia and a niece to see the Churches and flowers. I think it's done every year.

I've just realised, Steady told me he is going to Blackpool at the weekend and I now know why. The Rams! are playing Blackpool in their last away match of the season. I have also found 2 young men to do my fence panels. They are the sons of the neighbour who sometimes gives me a lift to The Pride Park Stadium.

Have a good weekend all of you and keep well and happy.

See yer later'gater(s)
Hi jude, two young men eh? Now no shouting rude things at them :-)

Well, hija has just made arroz caldera (paella soup) and I wasn't aware of what she was cooking, I loved it, tasted more like risotto, and she didn't make it soupy at all just runnyish, I loved it, but Mr N , well let's just say it wasn't his favourite meal! He smothered it in s/sour sauce - heathen!!! There's some left in the saucepan for her lunch, but I keep dipping into it!!
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I love chs on tst but it makes me dream....
No it doesn't woofy nor does chocolate, that is an old wives tale, so have some!!
Don't any of you make faces out of the digital clock numbers, or am I a saddo???
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old wives tale or not, it does...I can eat it at lunchtime but not for dinner. My clock is an old fashioned analogue one so I can't do faces. Chocolate has no effect, but drinking chocolate at bedtime affects me like caffeine. I am weird.
Lol Neti ...I can just imagine you lying there making faces out of a clock .Do you make shadow pictures on the wall too :)
I once had a digital clock that ruled my life for years usually around sharp but now I've just got an ordinary one .
Snap Woofy ,I can't drink chocolate at night either .I wake up feeling as if I have a hangover if I do,but I'll eat chs on tst anytime ,any place ,anywhere !
Have a nice day tomorrow Jude .
Oight Oight folks ,hope you get a better night Neti ,sleep toight .
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oight oight all...

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